Hi! My name is Will.
I’m lucky to have these truths. As a child, I was quiet and a big reader and liked to play quietly by myself. My brother was introverted like me and we enjoyed playing computer games and going on bike rides. Our parents got divorced and we were exposed to different churches with each of our parents.
Reading became my favorite pastime. I remember going to the library and asking how many books was the max limit to check out and checking out as many as I could!
My mom investigated the LDS church and us kids were given the choice of what church we wanted to join or be a part of. Mormonism had answers, which was reassuring to us, and seemed to make more sense than the other couple Christian churches we attended with our dad. But nobody pressured us in any way. We both chose to join the LDS church.
In seminary, I had a spiritual experience after reading the Book of Mormon and I just felt so strongly that if people understood that book, we could change the world! The truth is, I didn’t understand it myself. But at least I was interested in the truth.
When I was in junior high, high school, and some college, I played the trombone. This was my favorite part of school and kept me motivated. I was in ska band, marching band, and jazz band.
When I was 19, I went on a mission to Quito, Ecuador. I loved learning Spanish and being around a different culture. The people seemed so happy with so little, it was amazing. I was a devoted missionary and enjoyed the feeling that I was helping.
It was very hard for me to transition back to “normal” life. After my mission, I went to BYU-Idaho for business management and met my wife there. This lasted around 7 years before we grew apart.
Moving to Boulder Colorado for a few years was very meaningful to me, I enjoyed the outdoors and the health focus of the culture. I found The Sealed Portion while living with my in-laws in their basement. I googled it when I was at a very low point in life, on the wrong track getting into energy work and acupuncture. For me, I recognized Moroni’s voice and read The Sealed Portion in a frenzy overnight. It sounded just like the same style of writing and ideas as the Book of Mormon, only developed further. It was amazing. I told my wife “I think we should leave the church” and she agreed. She also read The Sealed Portion with a greater interest than I had seen her read any scriptures before. It made sense.
That’s my story. I’ve read all of the books of the Marvelous Work and a Wonder and they have answered all my questions about religion! The Humanity Party has answered all my questions about politics. Not once has Christopher or anyone else asked me for money for this information. It’s about seeing the world in a better way and improving things for people equally, without taxing someone extra or putting anyone down. It truly is a Marvelous Work and a Wonder. The solutions are simple and so possible! :)
William Miles Trueman
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