Reg Williams

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Hi. My name is Reg Williams. I first heard about The Sealed Portion whilst online looking up anything to do with this book that I could find after listening to Ida Smith sharing her experiences about the Mormon church and about her excommunication.

I was initially wary of her testimony, because she was excommunicated and therefore an apostate; and I was an active member of the church and a current temple recommend holder. However, what I heard intrigued me and drew my attention about the sealed portion that I too had been waiting to be published since I was 12 years old.

I was born Oct 1959, the 4th of 15 children. My mum and dad were sealed in the New Zealand Mormon temple in Hamilton and I attended church college of New Zealand for 5 years. After graduation, I did nothing special with my life and became a bus driver for about 10 years and then an owner/driver working for myself for the next 20 odd years. I got married and had 2 sons and divorced after about 25 years of marriage. I did nothing much with my life, but I firmly believed in the Mormon church, because I believed in the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

Around the year 2000, I remember attending Stake Conference and I wondered when the church might announce the coming forth of The Sealed Portion, because I had been awaiting its publication since the age of 12. That was 1972, the year my dad died. I remember Joseph Smith speaking of the sealed portion from writings that I had read way back then. And I remember Ida Smith speaking of it on YouTube. I knew I had to read it for myself. This was at least 7 or 8 years ago. I searched high and low for it. My first stop was the LDS library on the church site … nothing. So I began searching the internet. I found it … but was it published by the Mormon church? oh no, no, no.

As I listened to Ida’s story, I was intrigued, because it was not an anti-Mormon story at all. It was just someone who wanted to read the sealed portion just as I wanted to. Like me, she too wanted to know the mysteries of god, so I read it. I found the MWAW website and found the free download and I read it from beginning to end. I learned how after reading that book that Ida was excommunicated. When I too read it, I realized too that my membership in the church was at an end. I had been a faithful member for 58 years, but I could not deny what I was reading for myself.

From that day ‘til this, I have followed all of Christopher’s podcasts and YouTube broadcasts, or as many as I was able to find. Sometimes I was somewhat annoyed with Mormon objectors trying to hijack the shows. Christopher patiently tolerated them while I was asking for him to eject them from the broadcast while sitting in my chair. Even when Christopher announced the starting of the True Church of the Lamb of God and the end to his YouTube broadcasts, I continued to attend most of the true church’s zoom broadcasts until the announcement of the university of the real truth course just recently announced.

Up until now, I had not thought it to be necessary to write my testimonial.

I knew this work to be so important, but I had not written anything ‘til now. But I heard Christopher announce that a person must have a testimonial up before anyone could be considered to sign up for the university course and I definitely wanted to attend.

Reg Williams

+64 226739456

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