Monique Okoye

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My name is Monique Okoye and I am 72 years old. I have lived in the United Kingdom for over 52 years and have three children and four grandchildren. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was on a quest to find answers to the questions that had been plaguing my mind and soul. However, when the pandemic hit and I was forced to stay at home, I realised that maybe the answers I was seeking would come to me in the stillness of my home.

It was during this time that I joined a group that studied the Sealed Portion, the Bible, and the Book of Mormon. While this was fulfilling, it wasn’t until I discovered the Human Reality and its accompanying books and videos on YouTube that my perception of truth was truly transformed.

At first, I was uneasy with Christopher, the author of these works, and his use of profanity. But I realised that I needed to stay strong and not let these emotions deter me from the truth. And I’m glad I did, because today I have finally found what I have been searching for all these years. My heart is filled with joy and peace because I have found the truth.

Thank you, Christopher, for helping me on this journey.

Monique Okoye


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