“Born in the Covenant,” I grew up in Northern California a faithful Molly Mormon, a BYU alum, married in the Oakland Temple, and eventually bore eight children. It was my testimony of the Book of Mormon (BOM, published in 1830) that forced me to question events concerning the LDS/Mormon Church that started in 1985, with the Mark Hoffman incident. Although living in Las Vegas, Nevada at the time, I read everything I could get my hands on about it.
Hoffman had sold a staggering 48 forgeries to the Brethren [The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]. To keep from being exposed, he had murdered two people, which qualified him as a “Master Mahan ~ one who murders to get gain”* and whose very next project and objective, had he not been caught, was to forge a version of the 116-page Lost Manuscript and destroy the Church. (*Pearl of Great Price, Moses 5:31)
At the next General Conference session, expecting to hear a humble apology or admission of guilt from men we were required to sustain as “prophets, seers,* and revelators,” then Apostle Gordon B. Hinckley stood at the pulpit and patronized members with something akin to, “Now, now Brothers and Sisters, just settle yourselves down.”
But a seer* can know of things which are past, and also of things which are to come, and by them shall all things be revealed, or, rather, shall secret things be made manifest, and hidden things shall come to light, and things which are not known shall be made known by them, and also things shall be made known by them which otherwise could not be known. (BOM, Mosiah 8:13-17)
I began to make mental notes of other issues that surfaced involving the Church/Brethren, but nothing compared to what I would learn after moving into a Utah ward/congregation, where the men folk held high positions in the Church.
In around 1993, my husband and I attended an intimate gathering in the chapel where we learned information about an historic initiation that would ultimately impact every single member of the Church—the origin of which has never been publicly announced, acknowledged, or credited, nor revealed to its membership …
Except as manifested by the eventual requirement of all members to supply free labor to clean and maintain chapels, temples, buildings, and their grounds. Additionally, free service is required from those who had once held previously paid positions as groundskeepers, gardeners, kitchen, cleaning, laundry staff, etc.
In attendance at that High Priest Group fireside was our neighbor and newly appointed Second Counselor in the Office of the Presiding Bishopric. Although he was not the appointed speaker, he used up a good portion of the evening eager to report what they had recently accomplished in his new calling. His Office, he explained, was the “financial arm of the Church” and they had recently “hired Mitt Romney’s company, Bain Capital, to assess how the Church was run.”
This was a disturbing admission, because if this was the Lord’s Only True Church ~ why wasn’t He telling the Brethren how to assess and run it? My neighbor further revealed that it was Mitt’s (“I like to be able to fire people.”) professional recommendation that the Church stop paying janitors, gardeners, kitchen and laundry staff, etc., and instead call them on “service missions” in order to gain free labor and stack its portfolio.**
Even more shocking was my neighbor’s admission, “... and we paid Bain a LOT of money to get that information!”
I wanted to ask him why they didn’t call Mitt (whose firstborn was named after my husband) on a “service mission” to get the info for free, but refrained. I well understood my status as a woman in a male-dominated Church/culture and had already taken it upon myself to ask if any women were on the finance committee ~ pretty sure that women, already burdened with large families and church callings, would have been hard pressed to accept that proposal. To which he responded, “No, it’s a Priesthood Committee.”
That clandestine enterprise launched by the Church in 1993, culminating in 2019 with worldwide exposure to its surreptitious financial reserves,** by WaPo and a whistleblower, has had a substantial bearing on its attrition.
And it came to pass that there arose a rebellion among the people, because of that secret combination which was built up to get power and gain; (BOM, Ether 11:15)
The following video* released on 12.19.2019 asserts that “the LDS Church could very well run the Church and all its businesses in perpetuity, without ever soliciting another dime in tithing from members.”
Click for “Letter to an IRS Director (7 min); Re: $100 billion portfolio, Mormon Church.”
Even more horrifying is any Church that requires children and families to go hungry in order to pay tithing since LDS members are mandated: “If paying tithing means that you can’t pay for water or electricity, pay tithing. If paying tithing means that you can’t pay your rent, pay tithing. Even if paying tithing means that you don’t have enough money to feed your family, pay tithing.” (Ensign magazine, 12/2012, “Sacred Transformations.”)
Nevertheless, and despite the Book of Mormon promise that “salvation is free,” the Church still requires a full tithing before members are allowed to enter its Temples. (BOM, 2 Nephi 2:4) To further impress upon members the obligation of tithing, the Brethren released their own video* presentation 3.26.2022 entitled: “Paying Tithing is the Greatest Investment You Will Ever Make.” (Click to view.)
From another neighbor, besides a very disconcerting piece of information, I learned that the Brethren are very well-rewarded with perks and benefits besides a generous stipend.* Not to mention what Grant Palmer** later revealed, putting to rest any possible notion or claim of a “Lay ministry.” (BOM, Alma 5:53-60)
[**Grant Palmer Reveals Stunning LDS Church Insider Information (click link)]
For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s [and women’s] shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. (NT, Matthew 23:4)
By the late 90’s, I no longer had a testimony of the Church but told no one. And after 33 years of marriage, convinced I was stuck “for all eternity,” I finally clawed my way to divorce in June of 2001. Unfortunately, it left me with a hard heart against men and the Church by virtue of programing and indoctrination that had negatively affected crucial and consequential decisions, leaving a wake of distress and despair.
In October 2001, I met a long-haired gentleman at an LDS Singles Dance who also had growing concerns about the Church. After a few years, we lost touch until late October 2004, when “out of the blue,” he called to inform me that he thought “the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon may have been translated.” (BOM, 2 Nephi 27, Ether 3-4, Isaiah 29:11)
I was beside myself with excitement and anticipation ~ could this be the real deal? Because I didn’t have a PC or internet access, that evening Jay Benson showed up at my door with a copy of the retranslated 116-page Lost Manuscript and the synopsis heading of each chapter from The Sealed Portion. Initially the Lost Manuscript did not resonate with me, believing that’s what I would write or say to vilify a Church I had issues with, but decided to refrain from any judgment until I had a chance to study the nearly 800 page, 100 Chapters of The Sealed Portion ~ The Final Testament of Jesus Christ [TSP] from beginning to end.
The next time I heard from Jay, who had already read TSP, was Christmas Eve. In a most solemn voice he relayed, “I’m just returning from a trip to San Diego having spent a few days with the man, Christopher, and am convinced that he is indeed a true messenger and prophet of God.” He then promised to meet me at the printer’s the first Monday after Christmas 12.27.2004, so I could obtain several copies, certain my friends and family would also want a copy ~ or not. ☹
This was the first time I learned that the translator was living in San Diego, California. I had previously laid plans to live and work at the Optimum Health Institute in Lemon Grove, a suburb of SD, starting January 13, 2005, a stone’s throw from where the translator resided.
Curled up with a blanket on my sofa before I had to leave for CA, day and night I read and reread the astonishing intelligence revealed on every page of TSP ~ stunning revelation after revelation that I had hoped and longed to hear at LDS General Conferences. Unable to stop long enough to prepare food, I subsisted on giant Hershey Almond Bars left over from Christmas.
After moving to California, I started on a third reading and got half way through before it was time to meet up with the Messenger. I was already convinced from my studies that TSP was authentic and that he was a true “Brother, Friend and Servant, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator” as referenced, whose ultimate goal is to eliminate poverty by caring for “the least among us” with the Worldwide United Foundation NKA The Humanity Party®. (Matthew 25:31-46)
The day before our arranged meeting, Christopher called me on the phone. The first words out of my mouth were, “Do you need money?” While I was prepared to donate a good portion of the equity from the sale of the family home this was, nevertheless, a “test” of sorts.
I was much relieved when instead of quizzing me for details regarding a monetary donation, Christopher replied, “Geeze, girl, some man must have done a number on you!”
After meeting with him a few times, I was crestfallen. How could this chosen One appear in the form and likeness of my ex-husband ~ arrogant and “all-knowing”??!!
While Christopher claims to no unique talents or abilities, he has access to certain “tools” to assist him in his calling. These include a restored memory/transfiguration,* “gold plates,” and the Urim and Thummim ~ (or “interpreters”). These are two stones that, when joined together by the only One with the intrinsic patterning to actuate them, work like an advanced and sophisticated cell phone; as well as the tutelage and companionship of four transfigured immortals mentioned in both the Bible and Book of Mormon, who, until recently, resided on Earth well past the age of man. (NT, John 21:20-25, Matthew 2:1-12, BOM, 3 Nephi 28, Mosiah 4-8, Pearl of Great Price, JSH 1:34, RealIlluminati.org/faq, From the LDS site: Are John the Beloved and the Three Nephites actually still on the earth? If so, what are they doing?)
And behold, the heavens were opened, and they were caught up into heaven, and saw and heard unspeakable things. And it was forbidden them that they should utter; neither was it given unto them power that they could utter the things which they saw and heard; And whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration* of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God [all-knowing]. (BOM, 3 Nephi 28:15)
Yeah, I could ‘behold the things of God.’ I knew just as much about Real Truth as any god did or ever would. But so. What was I supposed to do with the beholding of such things? What good does it really do to have this knowledge … to know what God knows?
And my friends and supporters … Well, even the closest ones continue to lie to me, making up things that they think will give them value in my eyes … None of their lies ever does give them value in my eyes. In fact, it diminishes the value I have for them. They do not know that I can detect even their smallest lies. But I still love them. I understand how their flesh overwhelms them … that their spirit indeed is willing to support me, but their flesh is weak … Oh, my, how weak at times.
— From Christopher’s post of June 16, 2020 commemorating his transfiguration on June 16, 1987.
Wasting no time, Christopher began utilizing that “sharp sickle/two-edged sword”* to breach my hard heart and rein in my pride. On more than one occasion, I was told to “stay away from [him] because I am a man and you are a man-hater.” (*NT, Revelation 14:14; See also 666, The Mark of America—Seat of the Beast, Chapter 14)
The two most life-altering takeaways from this Marvelous Work and a Wonder® for me, that invites more peace into my life than anything else, is to never judge another or their actions. Secondly, never give an opinion unless asked, and even then exercise extreme caution and restraint. Why would I want to be responsible for influencing an equal god by offering an opinion or solution that may be right for me, but not for them?! (Yes, kids, I’m still working on it ;-) )
In the nearly 20 years since my introduction to the “true work of the father,” I’ve had very, very few personal interactions with Christopher. However, I did have the opportunity when he went to court several years ago to serve as his gofer, procuring and depositing court documents, serving summons, notifying interested parties of court dates and locations, and offering summaries as best I could for those unable to attend, etc.
Being present at his hearings gave me the opportunity to witness him “brought like a lamb to the slaughter,”* as judges mocked and belittled him, often refusing to allow him to respond sufficiently, or fully present his cases. One judge,** who would later take his own life, called Christopher a “troglodyte,” then scolded his wife, Sheri II, for standing by her husband when she was questioned by the court. (*OT, Isaiah 53:7)
[**Retired Judge Found Dead in Suspected Suicide Police Say]
Christopher sued for visitation rights to see his 9 children previously denied to him. While I can’t vouch for him as a husband, what I’ve observed about him over 20 years is that the man is a natural born father/dad. He lovingly cared for the 5 children of a woman he saved from polygamy, as if they were his own. Which, no doubt, had to be one of the reasons the two women resisted leaving him, when he finally admitted he didn’t believe in polygamy and no longer wished to participate. They retaliated by denying him access to their children.
Furthermore, he and his wife voluntarily tended 3 little children for a week ~ in a small RV! You can also read Kurt and Monica Smith’s 8 children’s stories of how their lives were transformed as a result of the loving care and attention they received from Christopher over the years. “Children are our future” (click link)
While women may justifiably want nothing to do with their exes, I’ll never understand why any woman would deliberately punish her own children by denying them access to a loving father, especially their sons. Out of Christopher’s 9 children, 6 are sons.
I was also present shortly before a hearing when Christopher received a call from his attorney brother asking him why 5 burley bailiffs were ordered to attend one of his hearings, because they were anticipating an “incident.”
The first of Christopher’s court hearings I was privileged to attend was late 2005 to resolve his “fugitive from justice” status. (I’m clearly not a lawyer here.)
A few years previously, he had appeared before an LDS/Mormon judge, as evidenced by the CTR (Choose The Right) ring she was wearing. After being plied with multiple complaints from ex-wives and hurt women, Judge Denise P. Lindberg announced to the court, “It’s no secret I don’t like you, Mr. Nemelka.” She then sentenced him to a year in jail for violation of a protective order, a “Class A” Misdemeanor.
Christopher had been legitimately released from jail a few months shy of a year; when he went to see his children with his wife, Sheri I, word filtered back through the angry ex-wives and hurt women to Judge Lindberg. She then “took away and back-dated his good-time,” and “deleted incriminating evidence” from court transcripts. He was returned to jail to finish out his sentence, when the judge punitively tacked on a two-year ankle monitor order, which is what prompted him to flee the state.
After court was over and everyone had left, I heard him utter under his breath, “I’m going to run.” ~ This was not only the evidence of how punishingly mistreated he’d been by ex-wives, hurt women, and a female judge … but what little hope he had in a “justice” system going forward.
This was crushing to hear and I wondered how we’d ever get the work off the ground if he were to run. I don’t know where it came from (remember it’s a “sin” to give your opinion ;-) ~ I pleaded with him, “Christopher, you can’t do that.”
He humbly answered, “I know.”
He sued Lindberg for what she’d illegally done, but of course, he lost that case, too. Like most who cannot afford an attorney and have no other option than to proceed pro se ~ “a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.”
If all the details of Christopher’s life were to be told in their entirety, you’d understand why he alone was chosen and uniquely “qualified” for this singular Mission, and how all the experiences in his life prepared him for this role. I hope one day his children and grandchildren will come to understand the lengths he went to and the humiliation he endured trying to have a relationship with them. (Read his autobiography in progress: The Man From Joe’s Bar & Grill.)
I’ve had a few email exchanges and phone conversations over the years with one of those “hurt women.” I’ll call her Katerina. She’ll recognize herself if she ever reads this. I’d like to try and explain for her benefit why she reacted to Christopher the way she did, which is not unique to her only.
In Christopher’s presence ~ it has nothing to do with what he says or does, or how he acts, looks or dresses, it has ALL to do with WHO he is, an Overseer/True Messenger, and WHAT he was foreordained to accomplish* ~ people tend to either feel inferior, substandard, less than, not equal to, or jealous, defensive, angry and want to hurt or destroy him. Christopher alludes to this in his quote above, “even the closest ones continue to lie to me, making up things that they think will give them value in my eyes.” That is why he constantly reminds and tries to impress upon us that “we are all equal gods, no one is above or below another including [him].” (*christophernemelka.com)
Before I ever met the Messenger, I had the benefit of learning about him from The Sealed Portion. Katerina did not. Nevertheless, she immediately recognized that he was “different, special,” even claimed to have “seen him in a dream.”
She began to make personal choices and decisions in hopes of increasing her value in his eyes. When she didn’t receive the desired attention, she turned on him publicly, contacting the media and projecting all kinds of insidious and ugly accusations against him, which became more exaggerated and egregious over time.
Around 11-12 years ago, after I had received a particularly harsh public rebuke from Christopher, Katerina called me on the phone assuming I, too, would now turn against him. She even offered an inducement in the form of a check under the guise of “gifts for [my] children.” I normally would not have accepted it, but thought if I donated it to the MWAW Trust it might have the effect of softening her heart. I suppose a throwback to my LDS days submitting names to the temple prayer roll.
From his brief association with Katerina, Christopher recognized that there was a great need among the LDS community for the sealed portion, the failsafe of the Book of Mormon, which made him start to think about fulfilling his calling, after all. He gives her credit for that. I’ve encouraged her to stop fighting him and take the credit she deserves ~ still waiting.
After having recently viewed a police video interview from a few years ago, in the weights and balances, Christopher’s enemies appear to be suffering far more than what they imagine they’ve inflicted on him. Try as they may, they will not stop this work.
Over the years, I have had the mind-blowing opportunity to study his several books, listen to his many lectures, read his prolific posts, and watch his many videos as he describes and illustrates dark matter, gravity, magnetism, quantum physics, the planets, Universe, etc., as he reveals who we are, where we came from, why we exist, and where we go after death. Including the consequences of our actions and inactions that will either save or condemn the world.
Keep in mind that the Messenger is without letters or degrees behind his name.
Wherefore it shall come to pass, that the Lord God will deliver again the book and the words thereof to him that is not learned; and the man that is not learned shall say: I am not learned.
Then shall the Lord God say unto him: The learned shall not read them, for they have rejected them, and I am able to do mine own work; wherefore thou shalt read the words which I shall give unto thee. (BOM, 2 Nephi 27:19-20)
If you would like the opportunity to witness those “tools” in action, you, too, may study, listen, read, and watch his offerings ~ all FREE for the taking. If you’d like to hear from him in real time, and have a burning question answered, feel free to join him for weekly “church” Zoom meetings at the MWAW “True Church of the Lamb of God.” (“Behold there are save two churches only…” see BOM, 1 Nephi 14:10.)
Best approach him with a broken heart and contrite spirit (humility), forgetting everything you think you know for sure (if only for a few minutes). Remember, he wields a “sharp sickle/two-edged sword” ~ and although symbolic, it cuts to the core.
O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish. (BOM, 2 Nephi 9:28)
Oh, and one more thing … Why does Christopher use profanity and employ off-colored humor? Because if you knew who he really was you would either fall down at his feet and want to worship him, which he is loath to tolerate, or want to do to him what has been done to every other True Messenger/Prophet of God namely: Isaiah, Socrates, Kung-fu-tse, Lao-tse, Jesus, Muhammed, Samuel the Lamanite, Abinadi, Joseph Smith, etc. Thus our Messenger is compelled to isolate in the “cavity of a rock” until his mission is complete.
All the very best to you, Dear Friends and Family, in your search for Real Truth® ~ things as they really were in the past, as they really are in the present, and as they really will be in the future. ☺
I hope you’ll enjoy one of my favorite songs, “Lead With Your Heart”: “In this world, it’s hard to tell the shadow from the light, what is real can find a way to hide behind the lies, don’t be fooled or ruled by voices all around you … ”
The Tenors – Lead With Your Heart
To our Beloved Messenger: OUR DEEPEST GRATITUDE for your enduring and longsuffering dedication to your Mission in the face of hate, mocking and ridicule. “… You’ve been the truest friend that anyone could have and the love you always give I want you to get back. You’ve been knocked down and found not everyone is what they show you. What is true will always be revealed.”
Julie L. Taggart
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