Dearest Reader,
Dedicated to those brought into life through myself and those grands arriving later all lovingly, albeit imperfectly raised. Nothing can ever be as significant or valuable as this. As life becomes more difficult & joyless, information to comfort and offer understanding is within reach. The following is written mostly as third person observer of my own life for my literary ease, but that in no way diminishes its treasured importance and why it’s shared here if it might help any of you my dear ones someday.
She drew the breath of life late January 1960, the first and eldest of six siblings in a typically dysfunctional Hispanic family from South Texas. Of noteworthy mention, a portion of her relatives had left their Catholic origins in the mid 1950’s and joined the growing Mormon congregations in the area. Together, the Hispanic culture and LDS doctrine would dictate and shape most of her life. While there were joyful memories in her upbringing, some earliest memories and much of her growth to adulthood was punctuated with the stress of physical & verbal punishment. Both culture and the exacting standards of LDS parents demanded strict obedience from daughters especially; and in her teens, she began to wait, although not always patiently, for the day freedom would appear. That day was in summer 1982, when she boarded a plane to Los Angeles, married in the church temple, as was the overriding doctrinal theme for young girls, even though her father tried to convince her otherwise, to begin a new changed life.
Though change is perceived as one of life’s constants next to death, humans, oddly enough, routinely resist it, perhaps due to its unknowable nature. The years between 1982 and 2004 were filled with changes consistent with the human condition and will not be given lengthy description here, except to say the family relocated several times, parents worked, and children grew, all in the shadow of the Mormon church.
Monumental change occurred late Fall 2004, ironically while residing in the Kirtland Stake Ohio, when Pa/John, as he’s known by relatives, found the Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon online. Of course he shared with his wife, and her mind became a tornado of thought; it would be several weeks before she read it. The overriding concern wasn’t the end of their familial association with the demanding religion, a welcome relief, but how to exit with as minimal adverse consequences, drama, and punishment to them all. She did her best towards that goal.
A year had passed when the letter arrived from Kirtland stake officials announcing a court proceeding that would be held with or without them. Having had time to contemplate, she decided to attend and bring cookies. (Unintentionally burnt ones.) The 12 men (6 for, 6 against) decided in their ostensible wisdom to excommunicate him, but not her. She kindly but firmly informed them that for ‘their own sake,’ they must excommunicate her as well. From the beginning, assurances of complete discretion were given, but in the final analysis, no such thing was possible. In order to protect its own backside, officials publicly read a letter in 3 separate meetings, informing the congregation of the excommunications and telling the congregants the pair wanted no contact. The latter was deception. The clergy likely believed it better to deceive the group than risk losing any more.
Some months later, the family moved out of Ohio thankfully and settled in Salt Lake City. It would be in the ‘Mormon mecca,’ as is occasionally referred to, that she learned about the Humanity Party in a seminar held at the downtown public library and of supreme interest. The thought was simple in form: “This is why I’m here.” It became the focus of study from that point.
The next several years’ concentration was getting the message to the world any way possible. Today, nearing the end of 2024, the humanity party never went viral, the world continues its worsening trajectory. Humanity seems uninterested in creating peace on earth, believing/waiting on religion or some deity to accomplish what organizations in deities’ names have not.
The truth of why & how this planet finds itself in its current predicament, is available through MWAW – (link) the source of humanity party and every other real truth humanity desperately needs. Many relatives and certainly the grands are predominantly out of religion, a wish come true; thus, as the holiday of “good will towards men” approaches, and its customary gifting none more valued exists for any dear ones searching for comfort, truth & understanding, and one in particular [mcm] who will recall hearing this message since infancy. Dearest gentle ones, may you look & find true good for yourself is my heart’s wish forward.
My Peace I leave with you ❤️
(Nana / Lily,
Either or
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