My name is Doriann Gaylene Stubbs.
I grew up disrespected and became disrespectful of myself and others as myself. Thanks to the Real Truth provided by A Marvelous Work and A Wonder, my life and the life of those who care to know themselves better have all been graciously affected.
My parents raised me in Mormon fundamentalism, which greatly affected the course of my life, until my pain got bigger than my fear. I was born into polygamy in a community on the Arizona/Utah bordering towns in the United States.
My parents participated, along with my immigrant grandparents, and were placed together in a placement marriage. With little-to-almost-no personal connection with one another, coupled with their insecurities and a whole lot of misfits, my parents’ estranged behaviors toward themselves and each other made for a very interesting childhood, to say the least. My parents became disgruntled with religion over the years and ended their non-relationship. My sister and I became wards of the court of Nevada after being placed in the care of Child Protective Services.
After being returned to our mom as a ward of the court, I ran away (after turning 16) from the physical, emotional and mental control I had been subjected to my entire childhood. I ran to my relative’s place in Mexico for refuge, but soon found very similar perceptions and beliefs with variations of more manmade controlling gods. I chose marriage later that year while living in Central America.
In my first marriage, I birthed 8 children and searched to try to understand the beliefs I was participating in, as so little about what we were living made sense. I felt the need to understand Joseph Smith and all the people surrounding him. I found myself consistently very uncomfortable, unsettled, and unable to feel a sense of belonging no matter where I lived. Everything was so confusing and so little of what we were doing made sense. I read all that I could get my hands on. I could not find much written by Joseph. But I did become aware that everyone seemed to need His authority to prove their own. Everyone wanted to be RIGHT!
I ended my first marriage right after the birth of my 8th child, to try to find peace. I was desperate to feel loved, appreciated, and understood. My sister invited me into her family as a sister wife. I wondered and hoped that maybe the two of us could share our love for GOD and be in plural marriage together. All my life, women who were living this law expected of all other women to follow in their footsteps if we hoped to have the same blessings…that we would need to live the same sacrifices as they were living. Nothing could have shocked my nervous system harder than what I imposed on myself and my poor children, and my sister and her poor children.
The pain and suffering I inflicted on myself and others triggered guilt and shame, and forced my awareness to the surface that was being caused by my fear, my pride, and my insecurities. I began to feel an undeniable weight of this world that almost took me over and out of this world. Helplessness overcame me. Facing my own demise, my first reaction was to feel relief that my children would no longer have to be embarrassed of such a one as unworthy, unfit, and a failure as I felt I was at that time. My children’s suffering forced me to become honest with myself, which made it impossible for me to play the ridiculous game of pretending that I could ever please any other’s God.
In 2010, I moved to Salt Lake City, Utah to try to provide for myself and the children whose needs I was responsible for. One day a friend showed me a flyer about a symposium at Murray Park by THE MARVELOUS WORK AND A WONDER, announcing that The Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon had been translated. Nothing…absolutely nothing… could have lit me up more. I counted the days to be there and shared the Great News with everyone around me at the time.
I was gifted a copy of The Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon that day by Christopher himself. It was surreal. From the moment I stepped out of my vehicle and heard a voice of warning booming in air…I thought to myself, “If there ever was a John the Baptist, this would be Him.” That day left an impression beyond words or description on me as his voice like thunder went the whole day long. It is a day I will forever remember. I became convinced that what he understood and what he stood for…all of us being one human family…he was the only man on earth that could handle my deep unrest.
It was just the beginning for inside work of shedding the layers of my pride and ego and all the programming I had. For years I have witnessed his sacrifices and that of others, trying to help the entire world with every solution to every problem that is causing this world to fall apart. The hardest part is consistently becoming aware of all the ways I have been part of the problems.
Christopher has done more for this world to make sure the Real Truth is available for the benefit of everyone equally. It’s been a refiner’s fire to say the least. And knowing that without his sword of Real Truth coming out his mouth, day after day, year after year, the suffering that is coming because very few are willing to give themselves that this TRUTH is AVAILABLE.
It makes reason stare after all “the Brothers” and “John” and others have done to help us help ourselves and each other.
THE MESSAGE THEY share is the ONLY REAL LASTING HOPE for any one heavy ladened and burdened with a heavy world yoke.
This work has REAL SOLUTIONS for EVERYTHING humanity is facing.
Little did I know that day, that my world would be transformed in EVERY POSSIBLE way that I could have never possibly imagined. …After years of hopelessly trying to accommodate others, to experience any amount of consistent, sincere, real lasting value of family, friends, and perceived loved ones.
Because of this Marvelous Work and a Wonder, THE SEALED PORTION OF THE BOOK OF MORMON referenced over and over in the BOOK OF MORMON, and all its other books…in spite of all the games I participated in, I have found lasting REAL HOPE.
I have longed for others to feel, to hear, to see what happens when one “reads the damn Books” … and experiences the REAL TRUTH. I had learned the hard way that each and every God is here for their own lessons. That the children I used to call my own are not mine. They are each the greatest compendium of matter that exists.
And so am I….
I stand all amazed at all there is yet to understand and the sweetness of remembering how to be childlike. This is my daily personal responsibilities and cares.
My LOVE & Infinite REGARD to a reader, as I am a Hopeful Dreamer Of…
One World, One People, In One Day!
Sincere regard, and I hope you will feel free to contact me if you would like to hear more about how this Marvelous Work and A Wonder lifted my burdens and lightened my yoke….
Sincerely Doriann
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