Joseph Goddard

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My name is Joseph Michael Goddard and I am 49 years old at the time of this writing. I was born in Anaheim, California. I have lived in 7 states, been through 26 of them, and have traveled halfway around the world and back. I have been poor and homeless and also semi-well-off and comfortable; a civilian, soldier, and prisoner of this United (yeah right!) States of America; an alcoholic and drug addict; married and divorced; you get the point, I’m sure. I have been a lot of places, met many people, and have what I consider sufficient experience (usually spanning both sides of the proverbial coin) in this Game of Mortal Life. Too much detail would be superfluous and much too voluminous for the purpose of this project. So here’s the highlights…

My childhood saw me the young recipient of a bitter divorce and parental triangle. This resulted in bona fide tumultuous and emotionally-charged adolescent years. It also resulted in me having 4 siblings: 1 step-brother (only in the picture for brief stints), 1 half-brother, 1 half-sister, and 1 biological sister. I was the oldest child most of the time and was raised in a split family of super-dysfunctional hippies and partiers on one side, most of the time; and on the other, during weekends, was blue collar, middle class drinkers and socialites. Again, the best and worst of both worlds. Such has been my adventurous and purgatorial life on this planet, this time around.

We were never in one place for long and there was no religion associated with my upbringing except the occasional visit to a Christian church with my grandmother in my early years. I enjoyed the playtime with other kids, and the crackers and grape juice, more than the confusing ass sermons. I was afforded normal exposure to other religions from various friends, family, and society in general. No God was ever ‘thumped into my head,’ and so I developed pretty independently and open-mindedly. I only cursed “God” in my misery and “prayed” to him, her, or whatever, in my desperate times of hopelessness and need. Albeit, it seemed I was always searching for the missing link in my quest for understanding and happiness.

I ventured through my early life as a free bird and as one who saw the goodness and beauty in everyone and everything. I was a comedian, a lover, a friend, confidant, motivator, helper, and tried always to do good. I was non-judgmental, adored my friends and family, worked hard, and was usually the warm, fuzzy ball everybody liked to huddle around.

Then, several life tragedies accompanied some newfound addictions and I became a severe, dangerous, and loathsome man to most who knew me. I had become a womanizer, a drunk, a druggy, a bum; not to mention a bad father, ex-husband, son, uncle, cousin, friend. Sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll were the order of the day. Soon, I was nearly at the end of my rope—no job, no money, no home, no partner—not shit. I left for yet another of many geographical changes.

In 2008 while in Arizona and at 33 years old, I was arrested for a sex offense, then indicted for another. My whole world crumbled, most of my friends and family ostracized and abandoned me, and I was scared and utterly alone. . .my worst fear! (But please don’t allow this injustice to be the only portion of my story one may focus upon).

My third day in county jail I picked up a “Holy” Bible. I ended up reading it cover to cover and became a diehard Christian and minister in my own rite. I understood the scriptures well and was also successful in the church and Christian community. (As an example, I had 53 people in my living area, out of 60, in a ‘prayer’ circle the night before I left county jail).

While there, I also took an affinity to studying and learning. I went to all of the “services,” taught Bible study, and was very influential at proselytizing. My zeal was top-notch and I was “on fire for the Lord”—and all the other repetitive acts and jargon that accompany religion. There I was also placed in solitary confinement for 3 days at one point. In the “hole,” I cried and I prayed fervently that “God” would take away my afflictions and make me whole. Not long after that day, and after becoming fairly well versed in the scriptures, I only ever prayed for others; and, for wisdom and understanding for myself—as “Solomon” did.

In 2009, I was sentenced to 12 years in prison in Arizona, with lifetime probation; and 10 years in Texas (in a related case). My terms in both states ran concurrently (together). In time, I won 2 out of 3 appeals and got my sentence in Arizona reduced to 7 years, still with lifetime probation.

At my first prison unit, I became highly involved in education and the church. I was finally a member of the desirable—“the sensible, logical, oh responsible, practical; the dependable, oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical.” I felt like I belonged, in a sense. But lo! I still felt some things were seriously off-target and misleading in the church, and that the “scriptures” were contradicting and missing something, as well.

As I was reading my Bible in my bunk one day, my “prayer” for wisdom and understanding was “answered”: a man named Monty Smith approached me and asked me if I was seeking truth, or something to that effect (stupid mortal memory). I said yes and he handed me a copy of 666—The Mark of America, Seat of the Beast. I read it without any preconceptions or expectations. I finished it in a week. (OH, how the Christians balked!!) Then he gave me Human Reality—Who We Are and Why We Exist. I finished it in two weeks and knew … I KNEW … that my search was over! I knew it was the Truth as far as I had ever encountered it! It made (and still frickin makes) complete sense. Then I read The Sealed Portion. One month later and I was finished with it also. Same sentiment: I couldn’t get enough!

Monty and I became fast and good friends (although I haven’t reciprocated as well as I should have). He told me about his contacts, John and Lily Roh, and about Monica Smith. He shared all he knew, at the time, of Christopher, the Brothers, and the Marvelous Work and a Wonder®️ (MWAW). Shortly after, I was moved to another unit. This is when I started contacting Monica directly regarding the work, books, etc. (I’m sure I’ve been a thorn in her side more than once. Sorry Monica). I wanted to know all there was to know about the MWAW and our human existence. (Later on, Monty would send me letters through his sister and we stayed friends for some time).

Again, I couldn’t get enough of the Work, had sent to me and read all the books available at the time (sometimes 5 and 6 times over), and tried to tell anyone who would listen about the same. I was only instantly successful in ONE case. All others thought me a loon and some asked if there were cups of Kool-Aid involved. Still, I tried … to no avail. I also had many MWAW books sent to other prisoners who desired them, and donated others to the unit libraries … always hoping others would find the Work with open arms. (Eventually, I was informed by Monica that several other books were requested and sent out after I lefts some units. Minor victories, I suppose?)

Throughout my incarceration, I was always thinking of the Work, how to help change the world, and looked forward to the Meet-n-Greets, symposiums, etc. Couldn’t wait to meet all the people involved. Couldn’t wait to start helping and moving forward.

I was released from prison in September of 2018 from the Texas Department of Criminal (In)Justice after serving 10 years and 3 months in both states. One-quarter of my life in Hell. I was released on parole, lived in a Christian halfway house (muh haha!), and had to wear a GPS ankle monitor. Completely restricted! I finished my parole for Texas in May of 2019 and moved to Tucson, Arizona to finish my lifetime probation for this state.

About this time and after calling in to the (former) MWAW Blogtalk radio show and making, what I feel, was an ass of myself, I took a break from the Work. Shortly after, I began checking the (former) website again daily for updates and I relished the new information being presented. At about the same time, I finished reading the 2nd draft of The True History of Religion and was looking forward to The Man from Joe’s Bar and Grill. (No, I don’t own the bar).

Following two years of demanding and oppressive probation, I decided to go back to the hell I’d just been extricated from in order to serve out the remainder of my sentence. I ended up serving another 3.5 years and 6 more months of parole. A very substantial, but necessary, decision. It was the worst years of my life, already having tasted the sweet savor of freedom once again. But I’m not seeking pity here. Merely sharing my story, no matter how insignificant and superficial it may seem.

Presently, I have finished all of my statutory obligations and am living life freely. Five thousand seventeen (5017) days of suck definitely took their toll; but I now try to navigate this world as decently and sensibly as I can muster and maintain. I am in NO WAY perfect or brilliant and still “sin” and am just as “evil” as all others upon this Earth.

However, I fully support this Work (in my limited capacity) with the agency I possess as an equal and free-minded HUMAN BEING. This Work has exposed my mind to information which has been purposefully hidden from, and by, all of us for eons. I wholeheartedly and undeniably believe it is the ONLY and most important Work to be done by ‘God’ since the beginning of time on this Earth.

I no longer seek for guidance outside of myself—except where the Work is concerned. I know that I am an Advanced and perfected human being living a necessary mortal experience. I know that I am no more important than anyone else, BUT also, the most significant being in the Universe (yes, an existential paradox, indeed).

I know that “Everyone is right, which makes everyone wrong®️.” I know that religion, philosophy, and science are the imaginations of people seeking what is only to be found here, in this VERY Marvelous Work and a Wonder®️! I know that politics, business and industry, economies, agriculture, media, and education have been corrupted completely by the powerful people who scoff at this Work and whom manipulate the puppet strings of their fellow humans. I know that the MWAW, The Humanity Party®️, and the message and solutions provided by our True Messenger are to be the salve for their, nay OUR, healing and reformation.

True, to follow this Work, for some, is an onerous undertaking. But the rewards are reaped in contentment and purpose … knowing that all of humanity will come through victorious in effect of the same … should ALL humans heed the warnings and follow the direction of our True Messenger and “those who know that they know.” Is it rainbows and butterflies? I think not! Still, if I, personally, was to be without it, this would be the proverbial “hell” to trump all others I have experienced or could ever experience.

Now, when I purposefully perceive this world through the eyes of this man who embraces this Work; when I look around me at the state of our “fallen” world; when I refuse to forget who I REALLY am and why I exist; I sadly recollect that most are blind, deaf, and dumb and will remain that way; but I also remember that it’s OUR Universe, OUR “Game”, and ONLY this Work will prevail to save both. So I’ll do my best to prevail with it … skeptics and cynics be damned!

Currently, most of you DO NOT know me. I choose to live the life of a semi-recluse until I am either “called upon” for more or I am free from the burdens of this lone and dreary world. Until then, should anyone need anything in my capacity to give, or if you just care to call and chat, or have any questions, my phone number is (903) 209-9949. If writing is your forte, here is my current address:

Joseph M. Goddard
6660 S. Craycroft Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85756

I have nothing to hide, nothing to lose. I fear not death, destruction, or persecution at the hands of those who would attempt to thwart this most important and indispensable Work of our human existence here on Earth. As was said by the late Ida Smith, “Read the damn books!” If you refuse, then I wonder about you my brother or sister, what do YOU have to hide; or, whom or what or where do YOU fear; or, what do YOU have to lose? Please think on these questions and in fine …

I humbly implore you, my fellow human beings, to die as to your present traditions, opinions, perceptions, prejudices, judgments, aspirations, and beliefs, and be reborn as a child … with innocent and wondering eyes and mind … into a new day and a new way. This Work is OUR last chance. So stand up in your box, hop on out, and you may just help to develop and support a Sphere of Life as it was meant to be lived here on Earth. What are the costs involved? Courage and Common Sense! What does one chance to lose? Ego and Pride! And, what is to be gained? Truth and Enlightenment!

Freely, Soberly, and Sincerely,
Joseph Michael Goddard

(903) 209-9949

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