Jason Brockman

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As I wrote this, I was humbled, as I know my writing and punctuation are terrible at the best of times and lack the eloquence of a refined author in the layout of my testimony. However, my experience and time within the MWAW are worth more to me than what others may think/perceive. Here is my testimony and a brief background of my life and the change it has had within my life:


I was brought up Christian with my mother as a single parent. I lived for 4 years with my grandparents from the age of 4-7 years old. My mother came back into my life when I was 8 years old. Briefly after being reunited with my mother, she met my stepdad. He was a converted LDS member and we both joined and were baptized into the LDS faith. I was a Peter Priesthood young man per se.

I spent most of my youth, and up until the age of 17-18 years old, as a competitive swimmer with aspirations of making the Olympics. I dropped that dream and instead served a mission for the LDS faith in Salt Lake City. I came home after my mission and lived my life to Mormon standards of how you are supposed to live your life.

Around the age of 24, I began to wonder about whether or not the LDS faith was right for me, as things were not adding up in my head with what I was reading and praying about. An opportunity came up in my mid-twenties to go sell security systems down in San Diego, California. I took the opportunity. While down in California, I stumbled across The Sealed Portion of the BofM (Book of Mormon) through meeting Sheri Nemelka back in 2006. (I have a bad memory now and all my journals are lost or burnt, so please forgive my rough dates and recollection of my timeline.) When I started to read the Sealed Portion of the BofM, it made sense to my rational mind and spirit/essence. While down in California that summer, I also had the opportunity to meet Christopher on a personal level, as well as at one of the symposiums he held back then.

I quickly decided to leave the LDS faith and stopped wearing my garments and going to church immediately. I enjoyed the carpe diem-type of freedom I found upon leaving the LDS principles and culture. I tried my best to share my experience of finding the MWAW / TSP with my stepdad and 5 step-brothers and –sisters, to no avail. My mother had passed away by this time, so I was not able to share with her the potential opportunity to know the Real Truth. It took me about 10-12 years before I was able to wipe the indoctrination of the LDS faith and way of thinking from my perspective and mind. All the while, I was following along as the Real Truth was given from the mouth of Christopher through the books written for the world.

Present-day reality:

I am now 46 yrs old and have listened and walked the path of the Real Truth to the best of my ability. Approximately a year and a half ago, I decided to doubt everything at least once in my life, even this work, as was recommended by Christopher to do. I found myself floundering and in a mix of uncertainty with life. The way I made my living in this life over the last 15 yrs was through coaching competitive swimming. I do not think, and now know that this did not sit right with my essence, as everything came to a halt a year and a half ago. I had a bipolar relapse, and in the process, was banned from coaching swimming. Around this time, I also decided to move up and assist with taking care of my 92 yr old grandpa who had dementia. (He has since died 4 months ago.) I moved to his place from where I had been coaching for the past 4yrs to do so and, in the process, also committed social suicide by dropping my cell phone and relations with family and most of my friends. About 4-5 months ago, I once again found the work and started to watch Christopher’s podcast on YouTube. Once again, my ears rang with the truth of the message shared by Christopher, as he came across a lot bolder with stating the Real Truth and that he is our modern-day “prophet, seer, and revelator.”

As I write this and recollect on the last 4 months approximately since returning to this work, I have returned to a sense of peace within, although this world is heading in the wrong direction. All we can do is observe and live life by the golden rule, as taught by Christ/Inpendius, and enjoy life, as if looking through the eyes of a child. This is still a process for me. However, I live each day with an open ear and know this to be the Real Truth, although it cuts like a two-edged sword. I am still making the appropriate changes as I listen to my essence speak to me about how I can sustain happiness in this life. Although I have late-onset ADHD and cannot pay attention for that long, I have appreciated and become more committed to going to The True Church of the Lamb of God—of A Marvelous Work and A Wonder. I realize that my testimony is fragmented and hard to understand. However, I do know for a certainty that the Real Truth speaks to my ear and mind and that I will stand behind this work to the best of my abilities until the day that I breathe my last breath through this game of life called mortality.

When and IF you reach out to me, I can assure you that I can give a better description of my perspective of standing behind the MWAW audibly than written.

Sincerely, with a humbled broken heart and contrite spirit-

Jason Brockman

ph#: (250) 692-0053

email: brockmanjason45@gmail.com

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