I am grateful for the Humanity Party and the Marvelous Work and a Wonder and am a better person because of them.
Updated March of 2023
I was born in the sixties. I read the entire “New Testament” in 9th grade. I still recall some amazing things I read in that book, that were very eye opening to me. It was part of the LDS (Mormon) seminary program curriculum to read it and then write our testimony about it. I loved everything that had to do with Jesus Christ in that book. It was then, that I began to realize that the scriptures really spoke to me. I recall studying the book, brought out deep feelings of closeness to Christ. Then as the teacher requested I wrote about becoming close to Christ while reading the New Testament. I had not expected such strong feelings of “relationship” while doing that reading and writing assignment.
During the following years in seminary, I read the entire “Old Testament”, “Doctrine and Covenants”, “Pearl of Great Price” and another favorite, “The Book of Mormon.” This was all part of the LDS High School seminary program. Just out of High School, I went to Brigham Young University. I greatly enjoyed the Book of Mormon classes at the University.
**I was raised in a LDS home, that had it’s fair share of dysfunction, with many episodes of fear and stress. I was baptized and confirmed into the LDS church at the age of 8 years old. From the age of 8 onward I went along with fasting once per month on Sunday and paying tithing.
I got married in the LDS temple, I felt I was worthy with, paying tithing, no sex before marriage and had much love for my spouse to be. (Since those days, I have learned that how I treat myself and others is more important than many of those things on a Mormon check list.) The marriage began to run into trouble. I scoured my soul in response, by many means including going to the bishop several times and confessing every sin I could think of. I continued to do all the Mormon teachings and sincere prayer was a strong constant. There were lots of different Bishop’s counseling and marriage and family therapists, but none of this saved the marriage. I was devastated to find myself with a broken temple marriage and alone with 3 small children. We were helped along the way by a few things while experiencing loss, I continued to take myself and the children to church.
Around 2004, I had become discouraged by things I saw in the church, I lived in a ward/stake that had prominent leader/members. I longed to hear talk of Jesus Christ while at church (2 Nephi 25:26) but that was missing for quite a long period of time. I was surprised by other things I was looking for at LDS church, but were slacking and lackinig: honesty, cleanliness, reverence, care for the youth, concern for the poor etc. Due to the items missing, I came home from church so many weeks and months feeling just plain empty. What I was hoping to find there, (and by visiting many wards over the years) was not there. Reading the Book of Mormon was still happening at home and kept us going, drawing attention to the crazy times of war, we were seeing abroad. Eventually, the children grew up and left home.
MARVELOUS WORK AND A WONDER BOOKS (MWAW) : In 2015, I was shown and began to read the book, “The Sealed Portion”. I read the complete book. I was amazed, it seemed there were things within it’s pages that were there, just for me. I remember thinking and feeling that every Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) member would be able to relate to this book. (Sadly over time I found those in my circle had no interest)
I read, “HUMAN REALITY.” I appreciated that this book spoke about the significance of an Overseer—that term was familiar to me. I read “666 The Mark of America Seat of the Beast – The Apostle John’s New Testament Revelation Unfolded.” I found answers there that I had been looking for from many other books, teachers, pastors, disciplines and courses of study. I had been looking for the answers for a very long time. As modern life progresses (2020 and beyond) I find it helpful to refer back to this book often. It never ceases to surprise me with new and thoughtful perspectives as our modern age unfolds, the revelation unfolds. At this point, I no longer had a desire to attend regular church meetings and so I stepped away.
POLITICS: How to find Solutions for today’s very “current” problems that we see in the headline news? THE HUMANITY PARTY. I go to their web site: humanityparty.com. I post on my facebook videos from that site to help others learn too. Feel free to educate yourself by using the informational and well-made videos there. You will get the most accurate info that is hard to find. In the past I was in politics to try to help the “little people.” There has been the problem of the blind leading the blind. I was one of the blind, even though I felt I had diligently studied the issues. I remember the problems then, many of the problems still persist. The political party “The Humanity Party” and it’s teachings are for “all the people” upon the planet and can help clarify the true issues. It gives thoughtful and creative political Solutions as to what “God” would do if He were here, so-to-speak. A few examples of what is addressed are: homelessness, poverty, sex trafficking and what is needed to have a police force well trained and deterred from improper actions toward the public.
THE TRUTHS I found in MWAW/Humanity Party books and teachings have filled me with hope, joy and respect. My apathy for a messed up world was disappearing. I became quite a bubbly and sociable person with much hope for the future. I posted on facebook at the time: “Help has come.” I now understand that: “We are the help,” each one of us. I have made a goal to be a more forgiving person. By seeing a good and gentle example before me and by developing new understandings of Truth from the MWAW, these have greatly helped with that goal. I have continued changing for the better and have seen a great example of how being Christ-like is NOT being a milk-toast (milque-toast). And have seen how one can be a nice person too. My trials have been many and at times I get impatient with them, I am not perfect, know little to nothing, and have a lot of room for improvement.
CONTINUING TO READ: Then after months, I continued reading onward. Next, the book, “Sacred Not Secret,” for anyone wanting to understand the LDS Temple Endowment better (God sending a Messenger is mentioned in the Endowment play) and learn how the LDS Endowment has been changed improperly.
I also recommend another MWAW book I read called, “Without Disclosing My True Identity, The Authorized and Official Biography of the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith”. I was challenged to read this book cover to cover, which I am glad I did. (I have read all of the above books cover to cover.)
There are several other books of the MWAW which recently came out. I read them and can recommend them. You will find all books on the web site: realilluminati.org. They can be downloaded for free or purchased there. I am soon to finish reading the most recent book out, “A New American Scripture – How and Why the Real Illuminati Created The Book of Mormon.” Chapter 10 speaks of scripture in Isaiah, which answered a lot of core questions for me. I found some interesting things in that book about the original LDS Articles of Faith and the Articles of Faith that are in use at this present day—they are so very different.
I have faith and trust that all our “wounds” as a people living upon the planet and as individuals can be healed as we adopt truths (change our old ways) found here such as Humanity Party principles and MWAW teachings.
The Words of Life are found by reading and listening to: Christopher Marc Nemelka – A True Messenger
You are welcome to email me at thuetkathy68@gmail.com Please put “marvelous work” in the email title.
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