Anders Tageson

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My personal story – some important events concerning my search for real truth.

My name is Anders Tageson.

Christmas 1972 I started reading the Book of Mormon -BOM. The words “another Testament of Jesus Christ” caught my interest! A scripture, not an ordinary book, beside the Bible that is written for ´convincing that Jesus is the Christ´ as it is written on first page.

I was 21 years old and had never heard of the BOM before. As I believe in Christ, I was searching for all the truth that confirms my faith in Christ.

Concerning this, it is important that you know that I am born and raised in Sweden and have lived here all my life. I grew up in a good family, with a mom and dad and a two year younger sister. My father was very critical to religion, but my mother was a Christian going to the Swedish Church -Svenska Kyrkan – maybe 4 – 5 times a year.

In all surveys Sweden is the country where religion is the least important to people compared to other countries, and you would be different and treated differently if you are religious in a group of people, for example in school and at work. Today, however, I think it is different because of all the immigration.

Sweden escaped World War 1 and 2 and we have had Socialdemocratic government for many years and they have done a good job in reducing the power of religion in the mind of the Swedish people.

This means that me and my sister had a huge religious freedom. Religion had no place in our lives for many years; but music did! And the musicians became hippies. So did we; with yoga and meditation as a part of our lives.

I finally started to pray and connected to some Christian friends. I had an overwhelming experience that Jesus is the Christ and felt like a newborn – born into a new Life!!

In my search for further knowledge I was guided (I think) to different people and books. I then found the BOM at the Library and took it home and started reading it at Christmas.

Now, I am back to my personal experience concerning the BOM:

My curiosity and interest was raised and I started reading page one. The story went on, written by Nephi, and soon I realised that my heart was burning more and more until my whole being was burning. I was in a state of full attendance to the story in the BOM.

So, in this state of being, by the power of the Holy Ghost, I went on and read the whole book for three nights and days, and understood very well what I read (except from Isaiah that I can understand now from your later writings). I could not sleep because of the burning fire and power I felt within me. I knew without a shadow of doubt that the BOM was the word of God.

A few days later when I had read the whole BOM I called the Mormon Church because they had published the BOM and translated it into Swedish. They welcomed me to the next Sunday meeting and I went there for the first time in my life. I met the members and missionaries for the first time and after a few weeks I was baptised and became an LDS.

So you can say that the BOM changed my life and these experiences I share with you have been a part of my life ever since and many years later when I read TSP I could recognise the truth because of my previous experience with the BOM.

The BOM prepared me to understand The Sealed Portion of Book of Mormon- TSP and the Marvelous Work and a Wonder –MWAW.

I have explained that when i read the BOM 1972 I experienced that I was in a state of enlightment and understanding and that was following me for years more or less , enhanced by prayer. Because of that I had a lot of personal experiences.

For instance I immediately recognised the difference in teachings and culture in LDS Church and BOM. I even experienced that the example of the Zoramites in BOM Alma was the actual state in Church. But I got a lot of attention and value because of my strong experience with the BOM so i got very involved in Church Callings. 1975 I served a 2 year fulltime mission.

And BOM refers to the sealed parts of it and I continued to search and pray for truth.

6 years ago I read TSP. It was presented to us by Les and Vivianne de Young who visited us, Vivianne is an old friend and lived in Sweden the first 20 years of her life.

It made a great impact on me from start. But it was very critical to LDS Church and Brigham Young so i had to struggle with that and pray a lot. When i came to the last chapter 100 I was overwhelmed by the Spirit and I had to go to bed and rest.

It was a strong emotional experience. I recognised the spirit of Moroni that I was familiar with in BOM.

From that moment I also experienced the return of enlightment and understanding and that has helped me to take part of all the wonderful teachings in MWAW. I have said many times that it feels like coming from the dark into the light. From a dark tunnel into a very illuminated room.

Now I am 69 years old and i am happy to be part of this Work that enriches my life and give me hope for the future.


Anders Tageson

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