Jesse Astuto

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Hello, my full name is Jesse Helaman Astuto and I was born in 1977 in Leadville, Colorado. I am the 5th of 6 kids.

I was raised by 2 loving parents in the LDS Church, albeit not very strict.

We moved to Papua New Guinea when I was 2 years old and lived in a mining camp called Tembagapura for 2 years. We then moved back to Colorado and pretty much lived there until I was 12, when we immigrated to Perth, Australia.

A prospective member of the church had abused me and my brother and a number of others in Colorado which was something we had to deal with in Australia. The way the church handled the situation and how my parents seemed to put the church before the truth about it all led to my first questions regarding the LDS Church. I left the church about age 14 and began using alcohol and drugs.

I continued using drugs to the present day. My brother committed suicide in 1999 in Australia, I was back living in Colorado. In 2006 my sister committed suicide in Colorado. In 2016, my 21-yr-old niece followed her Aunt, my sister, and committed suicide the same way in Colorado. This is where my search for truth led me to the Marvelous Work and a Wonder.

I was attending church again and really trying to get a temple recommend. After my niece committed suicide, I decided to go to the basement and read a lot of LDS books. I can’t remember the authors.

After about 2 weeks of isolation in the basement, in February 2017, I think I read something about the Sealed Portion in one of the books. As I stood up to go upstairs and get a drink or something, in my head clearly I heard ‘google The Sealed Portion’ in my own voice. I literally laughed out loud and said, “So I should Google it, eh?” As I walked upstairs, I told my parents what I was about to do and why. Lol. Little did I know what I was about to find.

Long story short, I did it. I read it and researched this Christopher dude, looking at everything I could find. I was amazed at the books and regardless of what I found could not deny it. I read all the books. I loved it.

I was a real jerk about it to my parents, slamming the Sealed Portion down and demanding they read it and not being a nice person in general.

Over the years, I have begun to understand what being a kind person truly is, not giving my opinion and allowing everyone to find the truth themselves. I fight my Pride constantly and hopefully can take the simple message of being nice and implement it into my life.

I believe Christopher is the only True Messenger and am grateful for the Real Truth ❤️. I love The Humanity Party. I love the continuing information and the peace it has brought me.

I currently am living in a sober living place and working on not being a burden on anyone, and staying true to myself.

Thank you for reading this and you are an awesome person! 😍

Jesse Astuto


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