Alberto Bulseco

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My Story On How The Sealed Portion, The Final Testament Of Jesus Christ Influenced And Blessed My Life and How It Led Me To The Real Truth.

A. My Purpose in Writing My Story And Why I Believe the Sealed Portion –

My name is Alberto Bulseco, married and a native of the Philippines. I am in my early seventies now. I am a believer of the Sealed Portion, The Final Testament of Jesus Christ including all other books of the MWAW. I am among those who suffered persecution and rejection from many LDS members because of my belief in the Sealed Portion. I was described as deceived. But I  consider myself

I believe the Sealed Portion because it was foretold in the scriptures to come forth when the Lord shall proceed to do a marvelous work and wonder. (Isaiah 29:11-14; 2 Ne 27:25-26)
This book is a marvelous work and a wonder because it reveals all things from the foundation of the world to the end thereof. (2 Ne 27:6-7, 11).

I also believe Christopher Nemelka as a True Messenger because he, too, was mentioned in the Bible and Book of Mormon as the Man appointed to declare the marvelous work of the Father when the Father will remember the covenant He made with His people. (Isaiah 52:13-15; 3 Ne 21:7-11).

I also believe the Real Illuminati because they are the immortal beings referred to in the Book of Mormon as the Three Disciples of Christ and John the Beloved who never experienced death and whose mission in the latter-days is to bring souls unto Christ. (3 Ne 28).

Through the Sealed Portion and other books of the Real Illuminati, I found  the “greater things” mentioned in the Book of Mormon.(3 Ne 26:9-10).

Having obtained a vast knowledge of Real Truth, I can say I am now a new person like a new bottle filled with new wine.

I have written my story so others may know how the Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon and other books of the MWAW influenced and blessed my life. With this I can also join others in supporting Christopher fulfill his role as True Messenger. This is also to show my support to the Humanity Party and the MWAW as a whole.

B. Who I Am And How I Became A Member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints –

I was born from a very poor peasant parents and was raised a Catholic. I spent my growing years in a rice farming community.

I am the oldest among three boys and two girls. After we, boys reached adulthood we were dissatisfied with the religion taught by our parents. We tried for years to find the true church but no religion appealed to us. Not until after we were married and had children that I found the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1980. I was twenty eight years old then, two years married and had one baby girl. I decided to join this church because I believed the Book of Mormon as the word of God and the thought that the church was true.

Because of this testimony, I devoted much of my time serving in the LDS church. We raised six children in the church, three boys and three girls, all grew up in the LDS faith. Three of them served full time missions. All of them are now married and have children.
I was instrumental in laying the foundation of the LDS faith in our area. My family were pioneers and  became staunch Mormons.

Although I was a faithful church member, there were questions that often bothered me. Foremost was the whereabouts of the Three Nephites and John the Beloved who are described in 3 Ne 28 of the Book of Mormon. Why were they not communicating with LDS authorities if the church was true? Why are LDS so centered on temple ordinances when these things were not taught by Christ and prophets of the Book of Mormon?

But in spite of these questions, I was still motivated to serve faithfully because of my testimony and the hope that the Sealed Portion would one day be revealed.

C. My Encounter With The Book Of Mormon –

I desire to include my conversion to the Book of Mormon in my story because of my deep connection with this book.  Perhaps, my conversion story may also motivate non-LDS investigators to read the Book of Mormon.

During the summer of 1980, I met Mormon missionaries while visiting my brother in the city of Manila. I obtained a copy of the Book of Mormon from them.

This was the first time I met Mormon missionaries and the first time I saw the Book of Mormon. It was also the first time I learned of the existence of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I was surprised to learn that there existed a book similar to the Bible. I felt something very strange towards the Book of Mormon the first time I saw it. It was love at first sight. The urge to read the book was profoundly peculiar.

Once at home, I commenced reading immediately. After reading the preface and some pages, I was certain that this book was from God. I was intrigued when I learned that this book was translated from gold plates through an instrument called the Urim and Thummim. I read that only Seers possessed this instrument anciently. This convinced me that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the church that published this book must be the true church.

I rejoiced because I thought I finally found the church I was looking for.

It took me exactly thirty days to complete the Book of Mormon. It took me this long because I had to highlight verses that touched me the most and often repeated verses that conveyed a marvelous feeling within me. I never had a more inspired reading in my life. Reading the book was also a very emotional experience because I was harrowed by guilt as I remembered doing things in the past that violated my conscience. I often shed tears because I was sorely tormented. But then I rejoiced after learning of the power of the atonenent of Christ, which provided hope to sinners through repentance. I wondered at the beauty, simplicity and clarity of the gospel of Christ as presented in this book. The power of this book penetrated my whole being that caused a mighty change in me. I resolved to become a better person.

After reading the book, my earnest desire was to be baptized. My concern was where to find Mormon missionaries.

Early the next morning, I went to the nearest town, uncertain if I could find Mormon missionaries in that place. To my delight, I found them at an apartment near the town center. They expressed disbelief when I requested them to baptize me. I had to relate my experience with the Book of Mormon to convince them.

I was baptized at a beach resort on August 5, 1980 in spite of the opposition of my wife. It was a great day in my life because I thought I now belong to the true church.

My two brothers and my youngest sister joined the LDS church not long later. My wife finally joined me after three years. My parents also joined the church not long later.

D.  An Unusual Urge To Read The King James Bible –
My thirst for spiritual knowledge was very profound since I read the Book of Mormon.

In September 1981, I felt a very strong urge to study the Bible. I never had this kind of inspiration before towards the Bible. I had a new Bible then but I still kept my old Bible. It was my first time to concentrate on the Old Testament. I never focused much in the Old Testament before because I could not understand the words of the prophets. But this time, to my surprise, I could also comprehend the words of Isaiah. I marvelled at the incredible flow of new knowledge and understanding into my brain. The explanation of Nephi in the Book of Mormon must have helped me understand the book of Isaiah much better. This is significant to me because I remembered the commandment of Jesus to the Nephites to search the words of Isaiah, because when the words of Isaiah are fulfilled, then is the fulfilling of the covenant He made with His people. (3 Ne 20:11; 23:1-3).

Five chapters of the Book of Isaiah were profoundly sweet to my feelings and understanding that I memorized them. (Isaiah 29, 49, 52, 53 and 54). These then became a daily bread for my spirit as I recited them in my mind from time to time.

It took me about six months continous reading to complete the Bible, pausing only when I eat or sleep.

I completed reading all LDS scriptures in 1982, two years after I was baptized.

These first two years of my membership in the LDS church were the best years of my life at that time  because I felt the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and was able to obtain great spiritual knowledge.

When I became a follower of the MWAW, I  constantly followed Christopher through his blogs, not only because he often shared new knowledge, but also quoted scriptures that were already familiar to me and were my favorite ones. Everytime Christopher delivered a message I felt like hearing a “familiar voice”. This kept me focused and in tune with him all the time.

E. From A Faithful LDS To An Avid Follower Of The MWAW –

My experience with the Sealed Portion can prove that no matter how strong a testimony maybe, the power of the Sealed Portion can soften a hardened heart if the book is read with real intent, with open mind and with full purpose of heart. This book transformed me from a solid rock LDS into an avid supporter of Christopher and follower of the MWAW.

Amost half of my life was devoted to faithful service in the LDS Church. I have always been a consistent church leader since 1983. All this because of my testimony of the Book of Mormon and my belief that the church was true.

My first major calling was as Branch President in 1983 and at the same time a Seminary and Institute Teacher until 1987. Membership rapidly increased in this area over ten years that it was necessary to create a district out of the Stake. I was called to serve as district president for the new district for three years. Then the district was split again to create another district in 1990. I served again as district president in this new district. This time for twelve years. Then I was released in 2002 to serve as counselor in the mission presidency. I served as counselor to five consecutive American Mission Presidents from 2002 to 2013. This calling required me to travel on weekends by land, by sea and at times by air fulfilling errands and joining mission presidents in leadership trainings and conferences. These eleven years of rubbing shoulders with American mission presidents not only improved my leadership skills, it also improved my proficiency in English.

In 2013, my wife and I had to retire from our jobs in the government to fulfill a new calling. I was called to serve for three years as Mission President in the Philippines Cagayan de Oro Mission located in Mindanao, Philippines.

This calling enabled me and my wife to enjoy new opportunities we never experienced before. We were privileged to visit historic places in Salt Lake City before attending the mission presidents’ seminar. We joined 173 newly called mission presidents attending this seminar in Provo MTC in June 2013. This group was so far the greatest number of Mission Presidents called in a single batch in the history of the LDS Church.

I encountered the greatest shock of my life when I assumed this assignment. I never had an idea as to the weight and scope of the responsibility until I actually began to manage the mission. Furthermore, I did not serve a full time mission as a young man to have an idea on how a mission is run. Although, I was trained and I had my Mission President’s Handbook, I was at loss on how to start. Learning from theory and doing the actual job are two different things.

It was only then that I realized that a mission president’s job is the most strenuous calling ever in the LDS church because he would be entrusted to take care of so many young missionaries mostly assigned to far flung areas by pairs over a vast region. He has to drive long distances most of the time to provide training and observe their conditions. He has to ensure their safety, provide proper nourishment, comfortable housing and attend to their medical needs. Supervising, training and seeing that each missionary obey mission rules, require a 24/7 hour job. In my case I experienced handling up to two hundred fifty missionaries in several cycles which thing caused me to be hospitalized  at times because of fatigue and severe stress.

But this experience, although stressful, it improved my ability to love, to be humble, to be patient, to be kind, to be compassionate, to overcome anger and to endure all things. These qualities made me a better and more effective church leader.

We were released from our mission in July 2016. Home after three years of hard work, I felt some sense of pride for having accomplished a great task and knowing that only a few among church leaders were selected to serve in this position.

Having served for thirty three years in major callings in the church I can say that I became a popular and seasoned leader.

With my reputable  standing and unquestioned devotion to the church, who would imagine that I would change and depart from faith?

But it did happen to me. It was made possible because of the power and influence of the Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon which I read with an open mind and full purpose of heart. Truly this book contains revelations of God from the foundation of the world to the end thereof. It is truly a marvelous work and a wonder.

This marvelous knowledge

moved me to leave behind my old self, to eschew pride, forsake the high esteem, the honors, the praise and the accolades afforded to me. This book enabled me to walk the path towards the fountain of Real Truth.

I am certain that an investigator of the MWAW, especially members of the LDS church could also feel the power of the Sealed Portion and their lives blessed if only they exercise humility and read the book with open mind, with real intent and full purpose of heart.

F.  My Wonderful Spiritual Experience With The Sealed Portion –

In January 2017, less than a year after my release from missionary service, I was watching YouTube when I stumbled upon a video of a former LDS member who was influenced by a book called the Sealed Portion, The Final Testament of Jesus Christ. It caught my attention with much curiosity. I wondered if this was the sealed book I had been waiting for. I thought this might be another literature designed to discredit the LDS Church. Then a video of Ida Smith  popped up. This time I listened intently. Her testimony of the Sealed Portion was incredibly powerful. These two testimonies convinced me that both referred to the sealed book foretold in Isaiah 29 and 2 Ne 27. This was a big surprise to me. How in heaven have I not heard of this book when it was already published during my 24th year of membership in the LDS church, in 2004?  Why was this book not revealed through LDS living prophets?

Using the link provided, I had a glance at the Sealed Portion for the first time. To my  surprise, I saw other books, too. I immediately downloaded the five books, – The Sealed Portion, Human Reality, Sacred Not Secret, Without Disclosing My True Identity and the 666, The Mark of America.

I was surprised to learn that the Sealed Portion was a continuation of the vision of the Brother of Jared and written by Moroni.

I jumped into the Appendix after I saw in the Table of Contents the Book of Lehi, the true account of the First Vision, the authentic translation of the fullness of the gospel and the story of Christopher on how he received the gold plates. The Book of Lehi and the true account of the First Vision truly surprised me that I decided to start reading from the Appendix.

A lot of reading ensued that lasted many weeks of marvelous spiritual experience. As if I was on a banquet partaking on some luxurious foods of glorious tastes.

This experience reminds me of a wonderful dream I had years ago where in my dream, I found myself standing at the middle of a very large hall inside a huge building with no visible end from east to west. At the west side, I saw numerous dining tables neatly draped in immaculate whites and orderly arranged into many rows. It was like something prepared for a lavish banquet. I saw luxurious foods laid on these tables. I observed that the foods became more and more delicious as one moved forward to the next table. I noticed that only a few people were partaking on the lavish meals. They were mostly women dressed formally and holding children by the hands. I wondered that I could not see where the tables ended. The number seemed endless. I wondered also how food tastes beyond those tables that I could see.

Ironically, eastward of the huge hall, I saw a grand feast going where people were merrily partaking on unfamiliar foods like roasted crocodiles and grilled creeping creatures. These looked delicious too, because the aroma was so appealing to the taste that I was almost tempted to partake. But I thought these were unclean, so I turned my eyes again to the sumptuous foods on the immaculate dining tables.

The dream ended here.

I did not know the meaning of that dream then. But now I know, after I obtained the marvelous books of the MWAW.

If I interpret the dream, I think, that huge building represented the world and I was given a choice. Those unclean foods I saw were the severe temptations in my life that I was able to overcome.

The sumptuous foods laid on the immaculately draped dining tables refer to these marvelous books I am now reading. And now I see myself actually partaking on these spiritual foods Paul described as the deep things of God:

1 Cor 2: 9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

One very uplifting experience I had with the Sealed Portion happened when Moroni posed a challenge to readers of the book. This pertains to knowing the interpretation of the Time, Times and Half of Time periods.

Moroni wrote in TSP 67:81 And now, I will give unto you my final words concerning the time, and times and half of time. . .

82 For if ye truly had the Spirit to be with you, then ye would know these things. And if ye would listen to the prophets who have been sent unto you, then ye would know these things, . .

68:59 And if ye are wise and follow the Spirit and pray for an understanding of these things, then ye shall know the time that the Lord hath given for all things, even ye can know of the year in which the Lord shall come in the glory that the Father hath given unto him.

I was impressed by this challenge because I have been searching for years to know the meaning of these time periods (Time, Times and Half of Time) mentioned in the Book of Daniel.(Daniel 12:6-9).  Because Moroni provided clues where to base a calculation, it was no longer difficult for me to put a value on the other time periods and create a timeline. It was easy. I was amazed to discover that the timeline started when God covenanted with Abraham and ended to the year 2145.

It also shows the exact year when Mohammed was born and and also the date when Christophers’s brain was transfigured signalling the start of his mission.

After I became FB friends with some MWAW followers in 2018, I noticed  a circular logo on some posts which show the year 2145 inscribed. Then I read this statement from one of the messages of the Real Illuminati:

“What if we started out by saying that the earth on which humanity exists, and the solar system in which planet Earth exists, will be destroyed on June 16, 2145, if the human race does not come together and create peace and harmony among themselves?”

I was very elated that my calculation was indeed correct.

Added to my delight was knowing the meaning of the 1,290 days and 1,335 days mentioned in the last three verses of Daniel 12 which Moroni also provided clues to unlock its meaning.
It was a very spiritual experience to discover these hidden mysteries.
What are revealed in the Sealed Portion were truly marvelous and a wonder.
The prophecy in 2Ne 27:6-7 is indeed true. This book including the other books of the MWAW brought the living water into my life that enabled me to enjoy peace, happiness, contentment and fulfillment.

I find this revelation revealed to Joseph Smith in 1831 true:

23 But unto him that keepeth my commandments I will give the mysteries of my kingdom, and the same shall be in him a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life.

G.  The Rejections I Suffered  From LDS Members

After the marvelous experience I had with the Sealed Portion, I shared the link of this book to a close friend in the church who was also an avid believer of the Book of Mormon. Like me, he was convinced that the book was indeed the Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon foretold to come forth. In his excitement, he became very vocal in sharing the book to some members of the priesthood quorum.

Unfortunately, his enthusiasm to share was met with negative reactions and even anger. He was accused of teaching doctrines opposed to the doctrines of the church. This earned the ire of the district president who ordered the brother’s recommend confiscated. This created a serious rift between their families that resulted in ill feelings and verbal confrontations involving other members.

Because the contention was getting worse, the district president invited the mission president to intervene thinking that the mission president would side with him.

The mission president accompanied by an area authority arrived for the interview. Sadly, I was also invited in that interview because I was the one who provided the link of the Sealed Book to the brother.

Fortunately, the contention was resolved. The district president was blamed for the mess, for failing to handle the problem wisely.

I thought the issue was resolved. A week later my wife was surprised to see a post in the social media notifying others that I was excommunicated for reading a black book and for organizing a church. I was shocked and my family was devastated.  Upon investigation, I learned that there were members who thought that the interview conducted was a disciplinary action  and that we were excommunicated. This assumption turned into an ugly gossip that evolved into that damaging post.

Sadly, this evil report spread like fire to stakes and districts even to the place where we served a full time mission. And members believed this lie. The truth was, I read the Sealed Portion, not a black book.

Due to this, I was hated and looked upon as deceived. Notwithstanding, I remained calm because I understood human nature.

And I never reviled against anyone. I only wondered at how people who call themselves latter-day saints behave this way – quick to judge, quick to condemn based on ussumptions and hearsays.
I also wondered why no church leader ever attempted to rectify this malicious gossip.

Since that day, I distanced myself from LDS members. I could not withstand wickedness.

To correct this false and malicious information, I have regularly posted the books of the MWAW in my FB page to let LDS members know what kind of books I was actually reading.

As of this day, six years after that rumor started, this malicious post still remains in the minds of hundreds of members.

Nontheless, I found solace from the new knowledge I possessed. Thanks to the MWAW books, that served as a fountain of Real Truth to me. These provided me the peace, fulfillment, contentment and  spiritual strength I needed.

H. How I know That Christopher Is A True Messenger –

I obtained a witness that Christopher Nemelka is a True Messenger simply because he translated the Sealed Portion through the Urim and Thummim, the same instrument Joseph Smith used to translate the Book of Mormon. I also  know the scriptures that point to him as the man who would bring the marvelous work and a wonder.

His wisdom, sincerity, frankness, his indomitable spirit, fearless character and his boldness in confronting wickedness, all show the mark of a True Messenger. He is no different from the prophets of old like  Zenos and Zenoch, Abinadi and Samuel the Lamanite in the the Book of Mormon who confronted the Church of God boldly without fear of death.

He speaks from the heart without the traditional formalities. Unlike self-proclaimed prophets who read scripted talks during conferences. His style of delivering his message is unorthodox, often offensive to his audience. I felt there is wisdom in this. It determines who truly are the good ones and who are the hypocrites. I recognize him as a seer because he is in possession of the Urim & Thummim like Joseph Smith and Seers of old.

The fact that he wss recruited  by immortal beings to fulfill a mission and directed to write the marvelous books of the MWAW, he is in no doubt a True Messenger sent by “Elohim and Jehovah”.

I. The Blessings of the Real Truths In My Life

The blessings I obtained in embracing the Real Truth through the MWAW can be summed up into this revelation received by Joseph Smith in 1832:

5 For thus saith the Lord—I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.
6 Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory.
7 And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom. 8 Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.
9 And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven; and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.
10 For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will—yea, even those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man.

Bulan, Sorsogon. Philippines 4706

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