Savai’i P. Amito’elau

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Why I left the LDS Mormon Church

My name is Savai’i P. Amito’elau; I am Polynesian, I was raised in humble beginning on the island of Tutuila, America Samoa. Living with my grandparents was an experience of a lifetime and priceless. My grandfather who was a retired London Missionary Society (LMS) preacher who attended and graduated from the religious college in Malua, Apia, Western Samoa. My grandpa said the religion he believes in and preach might not be the same as I believe in. But I need to find out for myself who God is on my own, and no one can tell me otherwise.

When my grandfather passed away, I moved to the island of Oahu, Hawaii and onto the State of California. My grandpa admonition about God was still in the back of my coconut brain, I found the Book of Mormon (BOM) through my cousin who introduces it to me. I felt some truth in the BOM by reading it with real intent, and nothing waiver. I do admit the reading was confusing at times to track the timeline and the five W’s. (What, Who, When, Where, Why), and how.

The things that really intrigue and interested me the most by reading the BOM were the “key ingredients” of the stories about the (Sealed Portion book, three Nephites and the admonition of Mormon and Moroni). Everything was like a repeating method and stories of the Old and New Testament of the King James bible. How interesting the same teaching of the beatitudes gospel of Jesus Christ is also found in the BOM. It must be imperative (important) if is repeated in the bible New Testament and the BOM.

Jacob 4: 14; “But behold, the Jews (Mormon) were a stiff-necked people and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble.”

One of the many key ingredients I discover during our LDS/Mormon high priest group lesson on Sunday we discuss this topic about the book of Jacob 4: 14; My coconut brain began to make some common sense of not wanting to be part of any church or organization that are stiffnecked people, despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets. I did not want to be part of this church, and this is not what I signed up for, and it was time to look elsewhere. I do not want to be blind (ignorance) for the rest of my earth lifelong learning experiences of school and university. I wanted to know the truth, but Mormon and Moroni were doing a great job giving us these stumbling blocks. The author of the book of Mormon is absolutely amazing.

The first part of the BOM is the lesser portion of the word of Christ and hundred percent of his words are not written in it (3 Nephi 26: 6-10). Moroni said something about being restrained by the spirit of not telling us the real truth but gave us something else. Really! Come on guys we are drowning for the truth, and you gave us something else? I made a goal and challenged myself to know everything about this new religion I was baptized in. After 29 years of membership in LDS/Mormon Church, holding many callings, paying full 10 percent tithing, attending the temple, and high counsel member of different stakes even to the office of Bishop. If you ever want to know a true-blue hard-core LDS/Mormon member, I was it.

I found the Sealed Portion of the BOM on the internet by accident. Every LDS/Mormon Church annual general conference we glue to the TV and waiting for that special announcement of the Seal Portion book been restored. The disappointment and sadness look on our faces said it all. The feeling or intuition and common sense inside me said to search the internet in 2005.

My Polynesian brown eyeballs got really big and wide when I saw it the first time. Just imagine the little child on Christmas morning getting his first present and that look on his face, and that was me. And I said, my goodness gracious, “NO WAY!” to my surprise and amazement is this thing for real, does the LDS/Church Mormon general authorities know about this book?

The surprised look on my face and my personal intelligent thinking inside my coconut brain. If this is the true church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, then (WHY) is the Sealed Portion found on the internet and not from the proper general authorities’ hierarchy of the LDS/Mormon church? Something fishy is going on here and it just did not seem religious correct. I was skeptical at first with unbelief until I clicked on the webpage, and everything started to unfold. My coconut brain begins to question. Who is running the LDS/Mormon church? What is going on here? Who is responsible for restoring the TSP? Is this thing for real?

My coconut brain was racing 100 miles per hour through excitement and not so sure what I was getting into. The sense of joy and relief of finding who God is finally started to come true. My brown eyeballs rolling back and forth the pages of the Sealed Portion book and taking everything in the doors of unbelief begin to unfold. I used not so colorful words like (sons of bitches) or (freaking bastards) against the Three Nephites, Mormon, Moroni, and Joseph Smith Jr. for during such amazing and awesome job camouflaging the truth from the first unsealed part of the BOM.

I read the TSP book a few times to make sure it was for real. That I was not led down the path of the dark side of no return. To my surprise, it was the same “Author” who wrote the lesser part of the BOM, that Joseph Smith Jr. painfully helped translated also wrote the Sealed Portion book, the greater portion of the book of Mormon. It doesn’t take a genius, writer, scholar or even a rocket scientist to figure this out. It is the same author’s penmanship, words, method and means of delivering their message across the grain and tare. Now I truly understand the meaning, if you want to know the real truth, you need to be like a little child that knows absolutely nothing. Thanks guys.

Joseph Smith Jr. was a genius when he created the Temple endowment play with the help of his mentors. I always wanted to know the true meaning of the endowment and symbols. Everything makes perfect sense. The LDS/Church members attend the Temples and sit day in and out, and eyes wide open with minds, and hearts closed, and shut. We believe in the general authority of the LDS/Mormon church will not lead us astray. And so, we thought the nature man has always been an enemy of God since the beginning until the end.

Brigham Young screwed up everything about the original ceremony and why Joseph Smith Jr. created the stage play.  Absolutely genius! Nowhere in the Book of Mormon that said anything about baptism for the dead or seal for time and eternity. It was all Brigham Young faults who never understood anything but follow his own ambition, pride, and ego maniac messed everything up. Now we know what one man or person can do to mess everything upside down. We needed a true messenger to turn everything back inside out.

I wanted to shout out loud for joy, Alleluia! and tell everyone what I have found and buy a box of the Sealed Portion book and give it out for free and tell everyone about it. The excitement finally set in and what about my family and how they are going to handle what I have found? My family needless to say, they did not take it very well, were disappointed and sadness. The look from my hard-core Mormon wife could kill a thousand soldiers on the battlefield. She respects my belief and decision to leave the LDS/Mormon church.

I still love and support her continue to attend the LDS church and we are still happily married. The Sealed Portion book will never come through the mainstream LDS/Mormon church. They had their chance to take full control of the Sealed Portion book. They just signed their own destruction and condemnation as the Book of Mormon and the Sealed Portion book stated. Continue to lead them down to hell, and the road to hell is filled and paved with people with good intention. Until they know absolutely nothing.

I wrote a letter to the local Bishop to have my name remove from the records of the LDS church in 2009 and was finally approved in 2012. The local ward Bishop was a good friend of the family and was not sure what to do with my letter. What a great relief lifted off my shoulders when I finally received the letter from LDS/Mormon church headquarters of my membership termination. I repeated a few times inside my coconut brain. Alleluia, free at last, free at last from this freaking brain washed LDS/Mormon religious fools still on the road of endless sleep of ignorance and unbelief. My grandfather admonition has finally come true who God is. “It has always been me, and 8 billion other human beings on planet earth”.

How do I know if the BOM, Sealed Portion book, what Mr. Christopher Nemelka, and his friends the Real Illuminati has put out are true? Well, let us look at this.

What is the difference between Knowledge and Intelligent?

Knowledge: is what we learn in school, education, religion, reading a book, and on the job training etc.

Intelligent: is what each and every one of us human beings are born with intuition, common sense, and gut feeling. To help us along the lone and dreary world we call planet earth. Use your intelligence and knowledge you gain on this planet earth to be humble like a little child and listen with your heart and coconut brain. When it hits your spiritual heart, it will magnify your essence and your feet will come off the ground. Now, try that on for size? I call it the earth lifelong learning experiences of school university. Earth life is nothing more than a big school university classroom to learn how and who we truly are.

This is the key to understanding real truth. You need to “have a change of heart and be humble” yourself like unto a little child inside your soul, essence, and spirit. Everything we have been taught in education, school, religion, and training is not real truth. You need to read the Sealed Portion just like you read the first part of the BOM with real intent, faith, and nothing waiver. Do not read to feel for it but read it to comprehend and understand with the spirit of Christ.

My message to the world is to keep sleeping in ignorance and do not ever wake up, because if you do your family and friends will hate you forever. If you cannot hunt with the big dogs, stay on the porch. Especially if you are a member of the LDS/Mormon church. Do not waste your time listening to the true messenger, you are only fooling yourself. Until you have that change of heart and become like a little child that you know absolutely nothing. Put your Pride and Ego manic off to the side. Willing to accept the teaching of the true messenger, follow your intuition, essence, and gut feeling.

True messenger (Christopher Nemelka) do not give up, you are the one who volunteers to be our true messenger. Although sometimes you do seem to be arrogant, using foul language, and Mr. Smarty pants. We patiently and conservatively start to understand why you deliver the true message of your own personality and attitude. There is no one else that is “CRAZY” enough to do it.

The world has no idea who you are the bare of Christ. For some of us that are awake to understand your role as our true messenger. but others who are not might see it from a different perspective. Religion has got a great hold upon humanity; it will be an arduous and tedious task process to make them see the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

Finally, with the up most respect, who call themselves the brothers (The Real Illuminati) have been working for billions of years on guard duty on this freaking planet earth trying to save humanity from our own demise and destruction of unbelief. “THANK YOU” It must have been a difficult task trying to remove the wall of ignorance and filter out the stupidly of our humanity pride and ego manic.

This new church you created on Feb 3, 2024. The True Church of the Lamp of God, of a Marvelous Work and a Wonder. This goes against what was said to the prophet Joseph Smith Jr. That creating a church is not their intention for this is an abomination in the site of God. If the people want a church, then give them what they want into their own condemnation and destruction of our own demise.

After the True Messenger explain the so reason and purpose why a church needs to be created. Now we understand and comprehend the condescendence of God to teach us the real truth at our level of intelligence and knowledge.


Savai’i P. Amito’elau

(949) 275-2727 Cellphone.


PS: The Polynesian word “AUE” meaning when we Polynesian island people are in pain and sadness of losing a loved one in death, or under duress. We repeat this word three times out loud with emotion and deep feelings. “AUE, AUE, AUE”


“My Peace of Mind”

How have my old beliefs changed compared to what I have learned through the MWAW?

We have a proverb in Polynesia, “In order to know where you want to travel on the blue ocean or the direction you want to sail, you must know the direction you just came from.” We call this the “Wave Finder.” Our Polynesian ancestors are fairway migration people from around the planet earth. They sailed from the east and west into the south Pacific Ocean, looking for new lands to live on. In essence, I have never forgotten the teaching. What my culture and grandpa taught me was priceless.

I have already said before that my grandpa knew something was not correct about his religion that he believes and preached. He knew I was different from the other kids, and it was up to me to find who God really was.

When my cousin introduced the Book of Mormon to me, it did not bother me much, because of my religious upbringing with my grandpa. Although I am still a beginner and don’t know much about MWAW. I laughed out loud the first time I watched and heard Mr. Christopher Nemelka speak and use foul language; it just cracks me up. I was rolling on the floor and my wife came in the man cave to see what was happening. Never have I ever seen and heard anyone speak like this other than my US Army drill sergeant yelling at us using the action words after the “F” word.

It was The Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon that got me interested and listening to Mr. Christopher Nemelka (or the True Messenger). No matter what language he used to deliver the message, I understood it completely because of my US Army service training. Ms. Ida Smith—and bless her heart, who I called the “Iron lady” of the MWAW—was correct, “Read the damn books.” What the True Messenger teaches and explains makes perfect sense. Although I don’t get involved with the discussion and the question asking with Mr. Christopher Nemelka. I just watch, laugh, and smile, because of the ignorance of people not reading the damn books.

In my humble opinion, people are lazy and don’t want to read, like the kids in high school where I used to teach. The kids expect everything to be delivered to them on a gold and silver platter. But they don’t understand they need to learn the basic knowledge and then apply their intelligence to make perfect sense. I called it our “earth lifelong learning experiences school university.”

Am I happier or more at peace because of the MWAW?

I have never been so happy and at peace since I left the LDS/Mormon church. It was like a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders, or that freaking adorning monkey that keeps hanging around. Priesthood, Sunday school teacher, home teaching, high priest group leader, high council member, military service group leader, attending sacrament meeting, paying ten percent tithing, attending the temple, and office of Bishop. All these callings and more just didn’t make any sense to me; because deep down inside my coconut brain, was common sense and logic. I knew something was not correct about all this religious rhetoric.

When I first heard Mr. Chirstopher Nemelka speak about the priesthood and who gave it to Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery … John the Baptist was not present during this special occasion ceremony … my coconut brain started to question what happened. Poor Mr. Joseph Smith Jr., the ironic and painful mindset of ignorance and stupidity of the people back then of stiff necked people who would not listen to the words of plainness. God has done it that they may stumble, all the way down to hell.

“And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word until it is given unto him to know he mysteries of God until he know them in full. And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell. Alma 12;10-11, BOM.

“But behold, the Jews (Mormon) were a stiffnecked people; and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it that they may stumble”.  Jacob 4;14. BOM.

My pride and ego…we all have our own somewhere inside our coconut brain…was my stumbling block; thinking I was baptized into the “true church” and nothing else mattered. Until the True Messenger woke me up and said, “not so true.” Read the history of Joseph Smith, Jr. in the book Without Disclosing My True Identity—The Authorized and Official Biography of the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. History and social science are my favorite subjects and I like history; it fascinates me. Those who fail to heed the warning of the past, are likely to repeat the same mistake.

The knowledge I have learned and received from the teaching of the True Messenger has opened a whole new beginning of my coconut brain and my brown eyeballs…to the next higher level of comprehending and understanding of intelligence. The mysteries of God. I never knew about our earth’s solar system and why it exists, who created it, and for what reason and purpose…until the True Messenger explained it. My goodness gracious! Really, we human beings created the entire solar system because we wanted to be different and better than others. Holy freaking cow!

Has knowing about the MWAW improved my Life?

Well, since I found the MWAW, it has changed my entire life completely, a 180 degree turn. I have a totally new look on life. I now have a new religion; it’s called golf. I attend every Monday morning with my group congregation. Mr. Tiger Woods and I are in the same religion; we like playing golf.

Mr. Albert Einstein said, “If you want to know your future, look to your past.” I made a promise to myself to know and study everything about the church I was baptized in. Every church on this planet earth, to include the LDS/Mormon church, has a dark side. The MWAW has revealed the truth about what really happened during Joseph Smith Jr.’s time. He painfully allowed the church to be created in 1830.

The pride and egomania of the people will not listen to his message and they want something else. Mr. Martin Harris, one of the three witness of the BOM gold plates, did not attend the creation of the new church. This is because he knew the truth that creating a church is an abomination in the eyes of God. This is recorded in the lost 116-page manuscript that Mr. Martin Harris wrote with his own hands.

My wife hates The Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon, because it never came through the proper mainstream LDS/Mormon General Authorities. She believes it has taken me away from the true church of God. The TSP book will never come through the LDS/Mormon church hierarchy. They had their chance; and they screwed everything up, and now they are in great condemnation of their own demise. The road to “Hell” is paved by those with good intentions, and the devil is the supervisor. We create our own hell and heaven on planet earth.

The look from my hard-core true-blue LDS/Mormon wife would have killed a thousand soldiers on the battlefield. I support her to continue and attend the LDS/Church meetings. And I enjoy my quietness in the man cave, watching the True Messenger speak in a foreign language, laugh, and smile. We are so fortunate that “the gods” have smiled upon humanity for the last time to allow a True Messenger to teach us the truth about all things before our solar system is destroyed.

My wife’s family are strong LDS/Mormon church members; and they have no clue what happened to me when she told them that I left the church. I read The Sealed Portion book and I never looked back. The resentments of disbelief of: “Savaii has been called to the office of bishop and now he left the church! What is wrong with him?”

Our local ward members have the confused look on their faces, especially our high priest group, eleven ex-bishops from long distance: “Why? What happened? Did someone make him mad or angry or what? Is it because we did not do the 10 push-ups, to warm up our pacemakers, when we did not bring the teaching of the prophet’s book and scriptures to our Sunday meeting?”

The Stake presidency could not believe it either, that I just cold stone stopped going and made a 180-degree turn and left the church. I was a “true blue Mormon” member, one hundred and 10 percent tithing payer, Temple recommend holder, and temple worker. If the heavens would have opened up, I would have been present guarding the road to heaven…so I thought, until I heard the voice and message of the True Messenger Mr. Christopher Nemelka, that changed my entire course of action.

When I made the decision to leave the LDS/Mormon church, it was not that easy. I had to think about my family and the impact of Temple sealing cancelation and termination of my membership permanently. The bottom line came down to my decision whether to leave the church or pretend to believe in something that is no longer true and find something else that makes me happy. I was a convert to the LDS/Mormon church, and it was not difficult to decide to leave. It was my grandfather’s admonition about who God is, finally coming true. It was me and 8 billion other human beings on planet earth.

My family still goes to the LDS/Mormon church every Sunday morning at 0900 hours; while I tee off with my golf buddies. Religion has gotten a great hold upon humanity. It will be a tedious and arduous process to get them out of it. Human beings will not look outside the normal box of thinking process because of their pride and ego, but remain still inside the box of ignorance looking out.

Brainwashed since birth is not a good thing to do. Knowledge and intelligence are terrible things to waste. Human beings have the free will to exercise the agency to look outside the norm box, and they are afraid to do so because of fear. Fear is the abstinence of ignorance.

The author of the Book of Mormon wrote the story about the dream of Father Lehi, the Tree of Life and the Iron Rod. The big, tall spacious building without any foundation to stand on, with people pointing their fingers and making fun of those holding on to the rod of iron and partaking of the fruit of that tree, that is delicious to the taste and very desirable. After some people partook of the fruit, they fell away into dark paths of no return, because they were ashamed. I was in tears from my coconut brown eyeballs when I first read John’s “Epilogue.” I had to walk around the block on my street to breathe in and out, in order to relax my coconut brain about what just hit me, after reading John’s profound and amazing words. I think it absolutely needs to be read again.

John’s message about the elusive “Holy Grail” and the “Tree of Life.” Here it is:


Beginning of Quote:


John’s Revelation ends with a personal testimony from Christ—witnessing of himself, and the purpose of his work and the work of his servants, the prophets.  To disrupt its flow with commentary would take away from its climatic nature, and subject the reader to an intellectual mentality that was not intended by John the Beloved.  Correctly translated and written in its original prose, John’s epilogue culminates and coalesces his intended message with divine efficacy.

The purpose of mortal existence has been made clear.  Though the mysteries of life seem as numberless as the sands upon the seashore, when the fire of knowledge heats our conscious souls, these sands are turned to glass, through which we no longer see ourselves alone in a mirror.  Our vision extends beyond our self into the reality of how we react to and with each other.

We thirst incessantly for happiness, only to find that our thirst cannot be quenched in selfishness by following the natural course of mortal lust, but is solely dependent on how we treat others, and how they treat us in our mutual associations.  If we fail to recognize this true source of lasting happiness, we become plagued with misery from the sores that seep with hatred, intolerance, anger, and depression.  To assuage these unquenchable pains and sorrows, we dig deeper into the earth, seeking isolation and personal fulfillment, only to find the pit which we have dug for ourselves is bottomless and full of darkness and despair.

Our natures become a furnace of selfish pursuits—caused by our fear of others and lack of concern for anyone outside ourselves.  From the smoke that rises comes more torments and sorrows.  The heat brings more thirst, more longing, more isolation; and when we desire a drink to quench this thirst, a sponge of vinegar is given of others who fear us as much as we fear them.

There is only one cup of water that will ever fulfill our thirst, and which can only be drawn from one river.  It is water that flows throughout all the earth—nourishing and providing sustenance for the Tree of Life whose fruits are delicious to the taste, and whose leaves can heal the curse of humanity.  We cannot change this water, nor can we add to it; for anything but the purity of its refreshing coolness will augment our plagues and increase our sores.

For thousands of years, we have tried to cultivate and nourish the Tree of Life by depending on our own cup of water; but we have failed to find the elusive Holy Grail from which flows a river of happiness.  Only One holds this cup in his hand; not to be worshipped for his offering, but allowed the ability to drink from it with us.  Without partaking of the life-giving refreshment that is in the cup he is holding, we will forever be athirst.

Many earths have come and gone; many solar systems have been created and organized to offer the Tree of Life and its fruit.  Many more will come.  But to us, there is only one.  In it we can find the gift of life we were promised by the covenant of our Creator.  He prepared the way.  He has shown us this way, and has illuminated our path all along.  His words are embedded in our souls, and have proven time and time again to be the only way to eternal life:

“I have created you in my image, therefore ye are my children whom I love. And even as I have eternal joy, I have created you that ye might also have this joy.  And for no other purpose have I created you except that ye might have joy.  Behold, ye shall have joy as ye associate one with another according to the free will that I have given to each of you, even according to my image in which ye were created.  And this joy ye shall receive when ye have become perfected in me and have received a body of flesh and bone as ye see that I have.  For this is my work and my glory: to bring to pass your eternal lives that ye might forever experience this joy as I experience it.”

These are His words.  There is no other word.  It has always been the same word, and will continue to be written in the Book of Life forever:

To experience everlasting joy we must do unto others what we would have them do unto us in all things. Upon this foundation rests the purpose of creation and the eternal state of happiness.

There is no other way—worlds without end.

End of quote.


John the Revelator was responsible for writing the book of Revelation and sat at the Savior Jesus Christ’s feet and learned from every word that fell from the Savior’s mouth and teachings. The gospel of Jesus Christ is found in the King James version of the bible, Matthew 5,6, and 7, and was also recorded in 3 Nephi 12, 13, and 14 of the Book of Mormon (BOM).

Mr. Oliver Cowdery had a problem when Joseph Smith Jr. was mandated to plagiarize the words, word-for-word from the Bible of the teachings of Jesus Christ, to be added into the BOM.

It is this act of kindness and selfless service to our fellow human beings that John addresses that we all missed—the key words of understanding his teaching. When we provide an act of kindness and self-service to our fellow human beings, a drop of water is added each time into our cup of Holy Grail. When we give an act of self-service to the needy and the poor, the “Tree of Life” and us will receive the blessings of physical and spiritual nourishment and be lifted up together into the state of happiness and joy, let there be no poor among us all. WOW! Absolutely amazing.

To experience everlasting joy, we must do unto others what we would have them do unto us in all things. Upon this foundation rests the purpose of creation and the eternal state of happiness

We need to learn how to be “NICE” to each other, learn how to get along with one another, let there be no poor among us all.

It is too bad these guys we call “the Brothers,” or the “Real Illuminati” have left our planet earth, never to return. I would have liked to meet them and shake their hands and say, “THANK YOU.” John the Beloved…you son of beaches and freaking bastard is absolutely “Esculent and Opulent.”

The joy and happiness of life has now become somewhat easy to relate to and deal with, because of the teachings of the True Messenger. Although at times it’s a difficult task try to make some sense to someone that has no clue, you just have to smile and move along. Then they give you that confused look: “I don’t know.” And you try to help them understand when their minds and hearts are shut and closed. Invite them to listen to the True Messenger…only if they are willing to listen with an open heart and mind. Only if they be humble like a little child can they comprehend the message.

There is nothing more we can do but listen to the True Messenger and follow his teaching. Mr. Christopher Nemelka is the True Messenger sent by the true God to teach us the “REAL TRUTH.” Use your God-given Knowledge and Intelligence, common sense and logic, help your fellow human beings when you can. (A friendly reminder, you cannot help anyone when you are in no position to do so whether financially or otherwise.)

Humanity is truly blessed to have a True messenger, Mr. Christopher Nemelka, in these latter days, to help us understand and comprehend who we really are, the reason and purpose why we are here on this planet earth, where we came from, and where are we going after death. I have found no one else on planet earth who is brave enough and makes more sense and logic than Mr. Christopher Nemelka. How do I know he is the True Messenger? How do you know that The Sealed Portion of Book of Mormon is true? By faith, hope, and charity, common sense, logic, intuition, and gut feeling.

We need a True Messenger to wake us up out of the normal box of ignorance and stupidity. Remove the wall of pride and egomania that has caused so many miseries and destruction upon humanity in the past, present, and future. It’s time to stop the madness and craziness, bring back peace to our world, community, cities, homes, families, and friends. God bless everyone.




Savai’i P. Amito’elau, email.

(949) 275-2727, cell.


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