My name is Nia Ngawaka, born 15/11/1958 Auckland New Zealand, I am one of 14 children, my parent’s are of Cookisland’s, and New Zealand ancestry, both were active member’s of the LDS/Mormon church, serving in numerous calling’s, their last being four fulltime temple mission’s in succession, in the Hamilton New Zealand Temple. My grandparent’s were the pioneer’s of the LDS/Church on the Island of Aitutaki, in the Cookisland’s group and were the first convert’s and member’s of the LDS/CHURCH on the island of Aitutaki, my grandmother felt so greatful for God bringing his only true church on earth into her life, that she expressed her gratitude by donating some land to the LDS Church, and helped them to build the first meeting house island style on Aitutaki, but that has since been replaced by a modern chapel and mission home.
For myself, I have been married three time’s, I have ten children and 28 grandchildren, I’ve lived in New Zealand, Cookisland’s, Honolulu Hawaii, and am domiciled on Gold Coast of Queensland Australia at present. I was baptised into the LDS/Church at the age of eight as customary, for LDS member’s, although I grew up in the LDS/Church and became very familiar with all it’s teaching’s, I was not alway’s an active member.
I’ve been married and sealed to my family in the Sydney Australia Temple, and was a temple worker attending the temple often, believing and hoping to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven through being a diligent, faithful, Latter Day Saint.
Fast forward to 2019, a friend from New Zealand called me, and during our conversation he told me about The Sealed Portion The Final Testiment Of Jesus Christ. I was very excited to purchase a copy of the Sealed Portion, and started reading the free e-book while waiting for the hard copy. I was totally captured and so resonated with what I was reading,and how my mind was opening to a whole new understanding of everything I thought I new about the LDS/Church, it’s origin’s and history right up to it’s present state.
So much is coming to light for me, with what I’m reading and learning from the Sealed Portion The Final Testiment Of Jesus Christ, that I wanted to get all the other book’s and information of REAL TRUTH FROM/CMN/OUR TRUE MESSENGER/MWAW/THE REAL ILLUMINATI/THE HUMANITY PARTY, from Pearl Publishing. These book’s have become Priceless Treasure’s to me, and every time I read them, the benefit’s far exceed the read.
I’m so very grateful for what I’ve experienced and learned growing up in the LDS/Church, because although I never fully understood what was to come of it all, I can now say definitively that it was in fact a precursor and preparation for what I have now come to know, as the work of the MWAW/THE REAL ILLUMINATI/OUR TRUE MESSENGER, CHRISTOPHER MARC NEMELKA/THE HUMANITY PARTY and associate’s who have the REAL TRUTH, HIDDEN MANNA, THE BREAD OF LIFE.
I’m so greatful to our, True Messenger Christopher for who he is, all that he’s done, and everything that he continue’s to do, so all of Humanity can come to know the “REAL TRUTH ABOUT ALL THING’S”. I have for many year’s strived to educate myself from as many source’s as I possibly could, throughout my life not just to know how to survive, but to pursue learning why all the suffering, war’s, poverty, slavery, insanity, inhumanity, corruption, tyranny, fraud, division, and hatred, among what I considered to be, my fellow brother’s and sister’s and family of Humanity. The closest I ever got to believeing I was on the right track, was what kept me active in the LDS/Church, although I have a testimony and belief in the Book Mormon, I was still hungry for more truth, and continued to familiarise myself, with many other books, and internet service provider’s with the intention to know more about the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, alway’s hoping to find a way, to not only survive in this world, but to become worthy enough, that God would make me an instrument in his hand to be of some good in this world, in helping with humanities plight.
I believe I can relate with other’s who support Christopher and the work of the MWAW/The Real Illuminati/The Humanity Party. I believe they do have all the Solution’s, to eliminating all human suffering on our planet today, and my intuition tell’s me, their Solution’s cannot be disputed, and any attempt to do so would prove to the contrary, thereby validating, instead of invalidating the Solution’s of The Humanity Party.
There are many detail’s relating to my story that I may add later, but for now I’ve highlighted what I thought would suffice for the moment. I humbly express my sincerest, and deepest, gratitude and appreciation to, OUR TRUE MESSENGER, CHRISTOPHER/CMN/MWAW/THE REAL ILLUMINATI/THE HUMANITY PARTY and associate’s, for their “PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN THIS WORK”
Nia Ngawaka
+61 408748888 GC/Queensland,Australia.
Here goes, i was born in the LDS church, in November 02,1957. My parents after marriage joined the […]
Hi, I’m Natalie. My story started when I was born. My dad found The Sealed Portion and my […]
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