When I was 14 years old my sister’s boyfriend was over with a book titled “How to be a Christian Without Being Religious.” Her boyfriend explained that according to the book all religions were man made and we only need to follow what Christ taught. I agreed and felt the same.
After high school I began to seriously study the Bible. I especially liked the Beatitudes. I started wondering who God really was. I hoped if I kept searching I would find out. One day missionaries came from the LDS church and had a Book of Mormon. It answered so many questions. I was surprised that it was connected to a church since I did not think religion was correct.
I was baptized and then the priesthood holders put their hands on my head and confirmed me a member. From that moment on I never felt comfortable and really at peace belonging to a church. I did however find a lot of peace from reading The Book of Mormon.
I looked forward to the “greater portion” and the writings of John. I was so excited to know what the brother of Jared saw and heard. I also was intrigued about how Joseph Smith told the members that if he revealed what he really knew the members would rise up and kill him. I wondered and wanted to know what he knew.
I read the Book of Mormon over and over. I was criticized for dating and marrying a non-member but I knew he was right for me. He joined a few years after we were married and we raised our 4 children LDS. We read The Book Of Mormon every year to our children. I also read it almost everyday on my own.
I was praying for “The Sealed Portion” and writings of John. I found some obvious hoaxes online and stopped looking for awhile. I ended up with some accidental nerve damage, which causes daily pain and headaches, so I stayed home from church.
That’s when I started to look online again. I googled “The Sealed Portion” and found Ida Smith. I remembered someone at church saying their was a deceived elderly lady lady who had some crazy beliefs and something about The Sealed Portion and her. I was interested in finding out for myself but didn’t remember her name. I did some research and was so happy I found her so I could find out if what was said about her was true or not.
She was very intelligent, well educated, and articulate. When she spoke she remembered dates, times, places and names of people. She was so sincere and genuine. Her name was Ida Smith. When she was younger she was an educator at BYU, etc. I was glad to know the truth about her.
When I saw that she read The Sealed Portion and knew the True Messenger, Christopher, I was so excited to read the book and listen to Christopher. He made more sense than anyone. I started reading the Sealed Portion online and could not put it down. It answered a lot of my questions. It was the perfect book to finally peel off the layers of darkness and open my mind to truths that I had been searching for my entire life. I finally understood what Joseph Smith meant. I was beginning to understand the truth about who we really are.
I told my husband and ordered hard copies. He could not put it down either. The promises in The Book of Mormon came through. We are no longer in a religion. Our children are grown and are beginning to learn. We now know that true love means having no poor among us and hope that the world will listen to Christopher and The Real Illuminati. Although Ida Smith has passed on I will always remember how much she helped me.
Marian Canepa
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