This is how this work impacted my life.
My father is a Bible believer; he loves to read it. I still remember when we were children, me and my siblings would listen to him reading the bible to us, and we would then say what we understood. That was some of my earliest memory as a child.
Then in 2012, my father met with the missionaries, he loved the book of Mormon at the first glance. He then decided to be baptized and brought us too.
We were a devoted Mormon family, my father quickly held some position in the church, and we grew up in the church’s doctrines.
I have never missed church since then, nor church activities, nor seminary class. I started to develop a love of learning the gospel.
Then when 1 year before I was supposed to go on a mission, I told myself that I’ve got to read more stuff to help me prepare myself more. So then I stumbled upon many anti-Mormon documents, but none of them made sense.
But one day, I had a conversation with a returned missionary who told me some wild stuff doctrine, and I got curious, he then told me he found them on a book, the sealed portion.
The moment I started to read the book, it seemed like I could never stop, I would read it from the morning till the evening. I finished it in 3 months.
At the end, I didn’t know how to react, I found the truth I had been looking for, but I was also saddened to discover the fallacy of the church.
I still decided to go on a mission, and it wasn’t all bad, knowing that I became a more caring human being, and had developed an internal sense of truth. Moreover, I’ve conquered all my doubts and now really convinced that Christopher is really a true messenger.
I just want to finish by saying that I love this work, It gave me peace by tearing my pride apart. It made me aware of those subtle things that I do/believe that make me sin. It set me free, free from everything that was chaining me.
Harry Harena TSIFERANA
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