My name is Denton Thiede. This is my story of how I found the incredible Real Truths presented by Christopher Nemelka our messenger of the Marvelous Work and a Wonder. I was raised in Granger, Utah now known as West Valley City. My parents went to the Church Latter of Day Saints but my father didn’t believe in paying tithing. Since my mother thought we should pay tithing, that caused a lot of problems in our family, especially around Christmas and tithing settlement time. When I was around four years old, my mother took me around to many LDS wards on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley to sing the song “I am a Mormon boy.” I could hardly see over the church banister, at that time.
When I was in the first grade, I was on the playground and was hit in my right eye with a rock. This caused me to lose sight in that eye. My eye doctor suggested that I wear a patch over my left eye to help strengthen my right and force it to work again. This was very hard for me because the kids would tease me. They would call me names like Capt. Hook and ask me where my peg leg was. I tried to wear the patch for about a year, but it was almost impossible to go to school without being teased. I also had a very hard time sitting in class and studying. I would finish all my work and then stand up and bother the other kids. I would find myself down at the principal’s office with my mother being told that my behavior was causing problems. My mother told the principal that I was just very smart and could finish the work faster than any of the other children. I was bored and could not sit in my chair. The principal suggested that I might have attention deficit disorder or ADD. He suggested that we should visit a doctor and start on the drug Ritalin. Thankfully, my mother said she would not put me on any drugs, but this made going to school very hard.
Around the age of seven, I was riding on the fender of our tractor that my father was driving, when I fell off. The tractor was pulling a large steel farm disc that cuts up the soil. When I fell off, I fell under the disc. At the same time, the drawbar attaching the disc to the tractor that was pulling it came apart, thus releasing the tractor from the disc. The disc’s drawbar fell on the back of my head, leaving a dent in my skull to this day, (making my name appropriate). If the drawbar had not released from the tractor the disc would’ve cut me in small pieces. I don’t know why my life was saved.
When I was 10 years old, I got a very sick and came down with rheumatic fever. I was told by the school that I could not be there when I was sick. Since I was sick for many months, my mother would leave me home and go to work at her restaurant. It was impossible for me to lay around in bed, so I left as soon as my mother did and went down and helped work on an LDS chapel. In the early years of the LDS church, the members were asked to donate time to build their chapels. I would leave and walk down to where the chapel was being built at 4310 S. 3200 W. I would be there from the early morning until as late as 10 PM. My mother, on many occasions, would come down and get me. I worked with our bishop Bill Coates. He would always encourage me to read the Book of Mormon. I always had problems reading because I only had sight in the one eye. I learned a lot about building, including: framing, electrical, plumbing, concrete, heating and air conditioning. I spent 2 1/2 months with a chisel and a hammer breaking out two 3 x 3 openings in 10 inches of concrete to put heating and air conditioning vents in. This is all done while I had rheumatic fever. This started the many problems I’ve had throughout my life with being ill which brings back the rheumatic fever.
When I was young, I had a problem that when I got excited, I would shake my hands which would shake my whole body. My father would tell me I was crazy and wouldn’t amount to anything but a ditch digger because of this. I found out years later that what I had was Tourette’s Syndrome. Tourette’s is a tick that causes a trigger in your brain that you have a hard time controlling. I learned to make Tourette’s my friend my whole life because if I hated it, it would control me. As I’m writing this, I’m feeling the triggers. This makes it extremely hard to write and concentrate.
Right after I turned 16 and became a priest, I was assigned to be the assistant manager of our LDS stake farm. I had been working on my family’s farm and also on the bishop’s and stake president’s farms. I was assigned to the hauling and stacking of the hay and straw at the stake dairy farm.
To move forward, when I was around 24, I was going to the University of Utah and teaching dance. I met a girl at another dance and she wanted to come to my dance classes. Because I did rodeo and trained horses, her grandfather asked me to help train his horses. Cindy and I got involved and she became pregnant. Her mother was very mad and demanded that I marry her. I did not want to marry her. Her mother stated to me that if I did not marry her, she would tell a general authority in her ward, named Boyd K Packer, what I had done and get me excommunicated. I was a member of the University stake and Bob Rice was a councilman in the stake. He gave me the notice that they were holding a church court for me. When I got to the LDS church court, I was greeted by Pres. Malcolm Jepsen. He explained to me that it was a court of love and that he represented Jesus Christ. He also said that there were six members of the High Council on Christ’s side and six members on my side. As we proceeded with the court, he demanded that I marry the girl that I got pregnant. I told him that I did not want to marry her and so I wouldn’t marry her. He jumped out of his chair and said, “if this happened to my daughter, I would get a gun and blow your head off.” I was very upset. I could not figure out how someone that had just told me he was acting as if he was Jesus Christ would get so angry and say something like that to me. I stood up and looked at Malcolm Jepsen and told him that I did not want to belong to his church, I would not be treated like he was treating me. I walked out and left the church court.
About a week later I received a call from Bob Rice the high councilman that had contacted me for the first church court. He said they wanted to have me come back and reconvene the court so they could make a decision. I told him that I would not come back to a church court that had anything to do with Malcolm Jepsen.
At the next stake conference in my home LDS stake, the Stake President got up and announced that I had been excommunicated from the church. This should only have been announced in my own ward at the U of U campus. My grandmother was sitting in the conference and immediately ran home to tell my mother what she had heard. She told my mother that it was announced in stake conference that I had been excommunicated. My mother called me on the phone and told me she was so embarrassed knowing that although I had done so many things to help in that LDS church, yet they had still excommunicated me. She stated that she would never go back into an LDS church again. She never did when she was alive. My mother said she never had to attend church to be a good person. She showed me how to be generous and kind and live the gospel without going to church. I was out of the LDS church for around 10 years. During that time, I ended up marrying Cindy and having two sons. We divorced when she was pregnant with the second boy.
I have had some other amazing experiences where my life was preserved. I was in an accident where a pickup truck I was riding in rolled over because the driver fell asleep at the wheel. I was pinned in the vehicle with 250 gallons of gasoline leaking out of a tank in the back. The driver got out of the vehicle and started to smoke a cigarette. When the Highway Patrol officer drove up, he found this guy smoking with gasoline running all over the ground and me pinned in the vehicle. No one knows why the vehicle did not explode and burn with me in it. I didn’t know why either, until finding the Marvelous Work and A Wonder later in my life. In another experience, while working for Caterpillar, I fell asleep at the wheel after leaving Wyoming and going into Utah. Without knowing it, I must have driven a few miles down the road and turned around because I ended up on a different side of the freeway and back in a parking lot in Evanston, Wyoming.
Around ten years later after attending many Book of Mormon study classes, taught by David Christiansen, David rebaptized me and I became a member of the church again.
On May 28, 2018 I married Sydney Rae Greenburg in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Our goal was to go to the Temple every week. Once, while entering the Jordan River Temple, we were approached by Elder Rellis Petty. He was a Temple sealer and he invited us to join his sealing sessions that day. After the session he invited us to continue to come each week and do Temple sealings. We would go every week to the Jordan River Temple to do Temple sealings with him for a couple of years. After a few months, Rellis Petty also invited us to be Tabernacle ushers for the LDS Conference. We found out that Elder Petty had been doing ushering for around 40 years and he was the Tabernacle Usher Supervisor.
After a few years, I also became an Usher Supervisor for the upper level of the Tabernacle. We went to every meeting, concert and program that was held there. We even did this when we moved from Willow Creek (Sandy, UT) up to Heber City, UT. I was devoted to my callings for 12 years.
You can see that Sydney and I were very devoted members of the LDS church until September 2006. We were listening to a KTKK radio show about 9.11 and Dr. Stephen Jones when someone called in and said: “If you want to know the truth about the LDS church go to” I immediately went to the website and started to read the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon that were lost. I called Sydney and told her I heard about The Sealed Portion website and that I was reading the 116 pages of lost manuscript. She told me she had also heard about it that day on the talk radio show. After starting to read the lost manuscript and Sealed Portion, I could not put it down. I was reading it day and night. I took me quite a while because I have a hard time reading with one eye – I have to read every word. I read, almost continuously, for around 2 weeks and found that I wanted to meet the author. I found information about Julie Taggart. She knew Christopher Nemelka the translator of the 116 pages of lost manuscript and The Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon. Julie said Christopher was going to have a meeting in San Diego in December. She said Sydney and I could come. In November 2006 during LDS fast and testimony meeting Sydney told the ward she was asking for her name to be removed from the records of the church. We left the church that day and have never looked back. The Truth has set us free.
We were unable to go to San Diego in December of 2006. It was not until February 2007 that we were able to meet Christopher, our messenger, at a symposium at the Salt Lake City public library. He talked about many things, one of which was the Worldwide United Foundation (later named The Humanity Party ). He was very kind. Since meeting Christopher, I have grown to love him and the message. I have done as Ida Smith counselled us to do and read the Damn books repeatedly. The more I learn about real truth and change my life, the happier I have become. I have learned not to judge people, that we as humans are all equal Gods. It still breaks my heart when I see what is happening around the world in the name of religion.
In January of 2013, I was having issues with my business partner. Christopher invited my wife and I to dinner with his wife Sheri. He could tell that I was really stressed about something and I told him about what was going on with my company. He said he had ways to find out what was going on and kiddingly offered to help me solve the problems. I asked him, in seriousness, to do it, but the only way he was willing to help was if I gave him my Power of Attorney, which I did because I trusted him. My problem was that I had trusted a lot of other people that weren’t deserving of my trust. Christopher found out that the CEO of FutureKleen, was actually doing some dishonest things. Christopher fired him and I made Christopher the new CEO. At this time, I was involved in a lawsuit with my former business partner. Christopher told me that the brothers knew of a good attorney that would work on that lawsuit for me. Christopher was able to take control of the lawsuit and save the company for me. Through this work my wife and I have been tested. We got rid of our horses, all of my toys, and other things that have helped him and ourselves realize that we are trustworthy.
Because I travel around the world for business, I have witnessed the terrible conditions of poverty, inequality, exploitation and sex trafficking in the world. Realizing that the WUF had solutions to these conditions, I devoted my finances and time to further the cause of this amazing plan up until 2015. In 2015 the WUF plan name was changed to the Humanity Party. The Marvelous Work and a Wonder has changed my life and I will continue to support Christopher and the brothers in spreading Real Truth and the solutions to solving all the problems that we as humans have created on this planet. If you would like more information about my dealings with the MWAW, feel free to read the attached affidavit.
I know that THE HUMANITY PARTY® has solutions, no one else does®
If you would like more information, or to talk, please contact me at: or call my cell phone: 801-243-0519
In the early part of 2006, Pat and I submitted our letters requesting our names be removed from […]
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