My name is Dale Garretson I was born in 1965 Bakersfield California. My mom was a single mom, and about the age three or four, I was placed into adoption. At seven years old I was fully adopted and lived in Ridgecrest California. About the year of 1978 the adopted mom passed away from cancer. My adopted dad remarried and moved to Salt Lake City Utah. At the age of 18 years old I join the military, and after about 30 years I retired. While serving in the military, and around 2002, my mind started to realize that I and everyone else in this world were being lied to. My mind actually started thinking about this when I was 14 years old. When my father gave me the doctrine and covenants, and said learn what a teacher responsibilities are in the Mormon religion. I read them and remember thinking back this is all a lie what’s in the doctor and covenants are explaining to do, is not what we’re doing at church. From that point on my mind started to going crazy I needed to know the truth in all things. Let me give you small example 2014 how did 54,000 children come to show up at our borders where did they go how did they get there who paid and feed them, how was it arranged how many started how many ended up here in America. so around 2002 I started investigating everything and finding absolutely no goddamn answers I spent at least 2 to 3 hours a day trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I think it was about 2006, when I was doing my daily searches and pearly by complete accident I came across a little old lady. I don’t even know how it happened but up on my screen came a kind soft spoken lady her name was Ida Smith. What she talked about changed my whole concept of the universe. She didn’t answer all my questions but it was such a start I’m only half as crazy as I was before listening to Ida Smiths. I would do whatever I could to give you the most massive hug. I like to let you know I don’t like giving hugs or receiving them but for Ida Smith hell yea, thank you so much.
Dale Adam Garretson
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