My Story: Seeking Truth, Finding Freedom
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been searching for answers—questions that have haunted me since childhood: Why am I here? What is the purpose of my existence? Why do I feel as if I’ve lived and experienced this era before? What happens when we die? Is this life all there is, or are we part of something far greater? These questions have followed me like a shadow, compelling me to seek the truth even when the answers seemed out of reach.
I grew up in a fractured family, abandoned by my mother at the tender age of four. That loss planted a seed of unworthiness deep within me—one I’ve carried throughout my life. No matter what I’ve achieved, no matter how hard I’ve tried, I have never felt good enough. Instead, I became the overachiever, constantly striving, but never quite reaching.
My upbringing in the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church only deepened those feelings. The teachings of hellfire and brimstone, the constant questioning of one’s salvation, and the image of a God who could cast you into eternal torment—all of it left me begging for forgiveness, yet never feeling worthy of receiving it. I internalized those beliefs and came to see myself as inherently flawed, unfixable, and beyond redemption.
But deep inside, I questioned. I questioned the rigidity, the fear-based doctrines, and why my heart didn’t align with what others seemed so sure of. I’ve always been a thinker—logical, independent, unwilling to simply follow for the sake of belonging. And so, I searched.
For a short time, I found solace in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The people were warm, the community felt genuine, and I believed I’d found something special. I joined the church, married my husband, and began to build a life. But as time passed, I became disenchanted. The more I learned, the more I realized it wasn’t the ultimate truth I’d been seeking.
Then, through my husband, I was introduced to the Marvelous Work and a Wonder (MWAW) and its True Messenger, Christopher. At first, I hesitated—this is my nature. I don’t jump into things lightly, and with my many responsibilities at home, my own business and at the theater, my time was limited. But my curiosity wouldn’t let me ignore it. Slowly, I began to learn about the MWAW, Christopher and his role of a True Messenger. And the more I learned, the more something stirred inside me.
I am still a novice—an infant learning to walk. My background in the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, with its rigid worldview, and my limited time in the LDS church have left my mind needing time to process and reframe. But what I’ve learned through MWAW has already transformed me in ways I never thought possible.
For years, I clung to the pain of abandonment, the need to prove myself, and an attachment to material things that I thought defined my worth. Now, I see things differently. Through this work, I’ve been able to release those burdens. I’ve forgiven my mother completely, wiping the slate clean and seeing her as the incredible, amazing person she truly is. I’ve let go of my attachment to the things of this world and found a freedom that is unlike anything I’ve ever known.
The truth I’ve encountered through the MWAW has shifted how I see myself and others. I no longer feel the need to compare, to compete, or to carry the weight of expectations that were never mine to bear. I am learning to see the beauty and worth in everyone, including myself.
I hesitated to share my story for so long- I felt inadequate compared to others in this group. Despite my education, my life experiences, and my accomplishments, I often feel like a little girl who knows nothing when I’m around this work and our True Messenger. But now, I realize that sharing isn’t about how much I know or how far I’ve come—it’s about gratitude.
I am grateful for this work and the freedom it has brought me. I am grateful for the clarity it has given me to love, forgive, and let go. And most of all, I am grateful to continue learning and growing, one step at a time.
Thank you for letting me share my journey.
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