Shawn Sizemore

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Hello! My name is Shawn Sizemore. I am 44 years old and was born and raised in Orem, Utah. I still live in Utah today.

I was not really active in the Mormon faith or any religion most of my childhood and early adulthood. My dad left when I was 4 and my mom had brain tumors. She needed my care at times at a young age. So I had to grow up a bit faster and take on adult responsibilities.

When I hit the age of 23, I became very interested in Jesus Christ’s teachings. In 2004, The Passion of the Christ movie came out and changed my life, in terms of Christ teachings. That movie started my road to forgiveness of all the people who had hurt me in my life. I was listening to Christian radio with Pastors and teachers of different sorts, trying to absorb all the information I could. Then I started to read the Bible and Book of Mormon & other religious books. This was not easy for me at the time, because my reading comprehension since I was a kid was not very good. But I was thirsty for the knowledge of God!

Eventually, by 2008, I got married and went through the Mormon Temple with my wife. In August of 2010, I made a goal to read 3 chapters a day of the Book of Mormon. This helped me set my day. Well, through my studies of the Book of Mormon, I was starting to get more confused from what the Book of Mormon teaches vs. what leaders of the LDS church teach.

The things that stood out in the Book of Mormon were these: God is the same Yesterday, Today & Forever…NEVER changing. In the book of Jacob, it clearly stated polygamy is WRONG. So I asked myself, “Why did the early LDS church practice it?” Second thing that really stood out to me from reading the Book of Mormon vs. LDS leaders’ teachings was, “Why were the black people not able to get the priesthood until 1978? If God was the Same Yesterday, Today, & Forever…NEVER changing, with no variableness…shouldn’t the answer be the same as times of old?” So I was at a point of loss and confusion.

Then I started to research Joseph Smith’s history and teachings on the internet. I started to see a stark difference between his teaching and Brigham Young’s. Rabbit Hole…yikes! By this point, I was intrigued and super saddened at the same time. I felt lost and was losing hope in finding Truth! Fast forward to March 2023. I started to realize that history taught to us from schools, churches, and secular places don’t teach the full truth. But who does teach the Full Truth?

I came across a woman on YouTube that talked about The Sealed Portion. She talked about it and how it changed her life. So I watched more YouTube videos and did some more research for a few days. Then A Marvelous Work and A Wonder came up on my suggestion video screen!  So I watched it; and boy did I learn something. I started listening to the messages that were coming out on the MWAW YouTube channel for a few months.

By August 2023, I bought The Sealed Portion off of Amazon. That Sealed Portion changed my life! As I read each chapter, the pages were soaked with tears of pain because of my sins and pride that clouded my judgment of others. I learned that my opinions before finding this work caused great sadness for me, especially others. The book calls the attention of your pride. Thinking I was a pretty decent person, it called me out. But also, what Joy I have now IF I will follow the TRUE teachings of Christ.

I by no means am a perfect person, but I try my best! And all I can do is learn and apply what I learn. After I read the Sealed Portion, I started following the MWAW work. Since then, I have followed Christopher, The Only True Messenger I believe that can lead us people of Humanity towards THE REAL TRUTH of How and Why we All exist. All of the books that are FREE to read are available to anyone that thirsts for The Real Truth.

I believe there is no other work that can call us out on our pride and teach us how to treat one another on this Earth. I have read the Book of Mormon close to 75 times now in the last 14 years. But there is so much more information even in the lesser portion that I would have never found if Christopher didn’t show me. Why didn’t I see it before? BECAUSE OF MY PRIDE.

I believe there is NO other work than The Marvelous Work and A Wonder to help humans overcome our Pride and have respect and Love for ALL humans upon this earth! Pride is what has caused the downfall of every society that has existed. This work will teach anyone what being a truly kind person really is. And what Real sin is. Putting ourselves up above another cause’s misery upon society. We are All children from a creator. God is no respecter of persons. We are all the same in his eyes. I always look forward to learning from Christopher each week when he gives his lessons. I Love the continuing information and peace it brings to me. I’m certain he can do the same for anyone humbly trying to find Real Truth. Once you read the books, you cannot deny the information that is presented before your eyes!

You ever wonder why poverty and homelessness exists around the world and wonder if it can it be fixed? Is there a form of a proper government that can eliminate all the poverty and suffering around the world? I wondered these things when I was a little child. I asked my mom, “Why are there homeless people?” And I saw the reports of people freezing to death on the news. It broke my heart when I would see these things on the news or TV shows. Then I got to adulthood and seemed to pay less attention to the problems around the world because of a busy life. Or you could say, we developed cold hearts in this lone and dreary world.

Can you imagine nobody caring for you because of others being too focused on things of this world? Instead of focusing on people’s misery on this planet, helping one another become happy and have Joy like ALL human beings want!  We can make a difference around the world IF we have the right information to do so! You should check out the Humanity Party! It opened my eyes of what Christ would want all of us to DO! Do unto others as You would have them do unto You!!!

I hope this testimonial helps anyone thirsting for Real Truth. This MWAW work helps me want to become a better person and my hope is that it can do the same for you! A world with kindness and compassion & Love for All Humans.

Thank You for this and know that You All are important and matter! And that I say this with Love to all my fellow human beings upon this planet Earth!

Shawn Sizemore


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