Ronald D Ferguson

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In the early part of 2006, Pat and I submitted our letters requesting our names be removed from the rolls of the LDS Church. This came as a result of having come in contact with the publication of The Sealed Portion. At the time, I was completing the reading of The Sealed Portion, we attended a symposium in Salt Lake City where we had our first contact with Christopher Nemelka (December 2005) and what was then called the WUF (Worldwide United Foundation). This ultimately became the Humanity Party.

I know that Pat and I were both affected by the things we read–although in different ways and perhaps for different reasons.

I am not a person who is deeply filled with “spiritual” leanings or influence. I often wondered why I was not moved to get up in a fast and testimony meeting and share some epiphany or deep spiritual experience that would make me kind of special–because I never had any of those.

That being said, something in my experience with the books that were published, The Sealed Portion, 666 Mark of America–Seat of the Beast, Human Reality, and Sacred not Secret–all opened my mind and eyes to thoughts and feelings that had given me pause about the LDS Church and churches in general; our purpose here; our relationships with others; our responsibility to ourselves as well as others.

This is, from my point of view, a statement of my current status in this whole experience. I support the concepts and tenets of the Humanity Party. I still continue to learn and to explore the ideas and the truths that have been shared in this whole experience.

As time goes by, and for as long as I still exist in this mortal state, I hope to see the concepts of the Humanity Party gain traction, whether through the party itself or through its influence on others.

In the meantime, I remain who I am in this lifetime.

Ron Ferguson

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