Oluwaseun James

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Where do I even begin with my story? I guess from the beginning, right?

I started my search for God at the age of 17, due to a broken heart from worldly relationships. I was laying on my bed one afternoon thinking about my life and all the failed relationships I had experienced up till then, when I heard/felt a small voice speak to my spirit man, telling me to pick up my Bible and read it.

Although being born into a Christian household, I’d never actually read the Bible myself; nonetheless, I did as directed by my conscience and picked up the Bible. I didn’t know what to read and I said to myself, what book am I meant to read, now that I’ve picked it up? Once again, something stated, given that my surname is James, I should read the book of James. It made sense, so I thought, ok, fair enough. I’ll give that a go, then.

After reading the entire book of James, I felt something I’d never before felt in my life. The love I was searching for from relationships, I felt a far greater abundance of love coming from reading those scriptures than anything I’d experienced from the world. From that point onwards, I started my walk with Christ and in search of truth.

I became what some would call a Bible basher and I went in search of a church that implemented and practiced the things I read in the scriptures, accurately.

I went from church to church, studying with Evangelicals, Baptists, Methodists, Seventh-day Adventists, and as many other denominations as I could find, to the point that my father called me a church prostitute at one point, lol!

This search went on for years and then the last church I began studying with and had intended on joining were the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Most of their principles made sense to me and I liked that they actually went forth and preached the gospel as the scriptures mentioned.

For some reason though, I didn’t end up joining the Jehovah’s Witnesses church and I ended up moving to a whole different city to study economics at university (Bradford University) as directed by my parents (if you know anything about African households, you’ll understand that part, lol).

It wasn’t a course I wanted to study, nor was it a city I wanted to go to, given it was so far away from London where I lived. What I really wanted to do was to go and preach the gospel. Nonetheless, I went as directed by my parents.

Anyway, whilst there, one day I was headed back to the halls of residence (dorm room) when I saw two missionaries.

I thought they were Jehovah’s Witnesses at first, given that they dressed very similar, but I didn’t really care to investigate further, as I was in a miserable state of mind. This was due to being at a university I didn’t want to be at and studying what I didn’t want to study, so I just dismissed the missionaries. Plus, I was kind of jealous that they were preaching the gospel, something I had wanted to do before coming to that university.

But anyway, about two weeks later I saw them again in a different part of Bradford. I was headed to class, so I dismissed them again.

Then, about a month afterwards, I saw them again in a different part of Bradford and I thought to myself, this isn’t a coincidence anymore. So I gave them a chance and told them to come to my dorm room and share what they had to share.

During our journey to my dorm room, I came to realize they weren’t actually Jehovah’s Witnesses, as I had initially thought. They stated they were from a church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I had never heard of that church before, nor had I heard of the word “Mormons” either.

Anyway, upon arriving at my dorm room, they got to sharing their message and got me to read the promise in Moroni. After reading it, I began crying, because it felt like everything I had been looking for through my years of searching for the truth was all encompassed within those scriptures I read.

After about three weeks from that period, I got baptized and I became like a sponge, soaking up all the gospel truths I could get my hands on. I learned about the church history and soaked up all of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, etc. … This was all in the year 2008, by the way.

Fast forward to the year 2024, now. After years within the church, gaining experiences within it, as well as going through life’s ups and downs, I came to a point within my faith concerning the church that, the church had fallen away from God immediately after Joseph Smith died.

My reason for stating that was because it didn’t make sense to me that a church would say God loves all his children and claim to be the one and only true living church upon the face of the earth, yet one of its most prominent prophets stated he was a firm believer in slavery for black people and make all sorts of racist remarks about my people. I mean, Brigham Young said some shocking things and claimed to be a prophet of God at the same time.

I’ve heard people give me the excuse that people are a product of their time, but wasn’t Joseph also a product of his time? Yet I could find no fault with the man.

That didn’t sit well with me, so I concluded that the church had fallen away from God once Joseph Smith passed away, and many of my friends within the church knew how strongly I felt about it.

Now, fast forward to the 28th January, 2024. This was the day I came across the sealed portion of the golden plates in a way I wasn’t expecting.

I was on social media (Instagram) and I saw a video of a young lady speaking about the practice of polygamy and how it was a sin. As someone who’d read Doctrine & Covenants 132 and was pro-polygamy, I felt I had to reply to the video and reprimand her, and so I did.

After a receiving ‘likes’ and comments that supported my comment, the typical social media dopamine hit. I felt justified in my response and went about my day feeling I’d accomplished something.

About 15 minutes afterwards, I checked my phone again and saw some more likes to my comment and one response from someone. I decided to open the app up and look at what the comment stated and I noticed it was a long-winded comment in the format of a scripture.

I read it and it admonished me in such a way that it hit my soul. From reading it, it carried the same Spirit and feeling I got when I read the Bible or the Book of Mormon, but the words that were written, I’d never read anywhere before in the scriptures which I had. (Just for your information, the scripture can be found in The Sealed Portion, chapter 17.)

I had to contact the guy who left the comment in response to my comment and ask him what scriptures those words came from. And he informed me about The Sealed Portion.

I was taken back, because I’d never heard of this before. But I did know, however, that Joseph Smith only translated 1/3 of the gold plates and that the church was yet to receive the 2/3 of the plates.

The brother had a PDF copy of The Sealed Portion and he sent it to me and I began reading it. I had to then order an actual copy online from Amazon, so I wasn’t squinting reading it on my phone.

I read all the appendixes and I am now currently half-way through the main chapters of the book. I can say, this book has both corrected the errors of my ways, enlightened my understanding on things, unveiled the mysteries of God unto me, and confirmed most of the stuff I’d been feeling about the church for such a long time.

I wish so many of the Latter-day Saints weren’t so blinded by the precepts of men, but I’ve come to understand that God reveals His true self unto those that diligently seek Him and thirst for more of Him.

I am still learning about the True Church of the Lamb of God, but I know Christopher is a prophet and the one that is meant to be next in line after Joseph Smith, not Brigham Young and all those that followed after him.

May the elect of God all come to the true knowledge of Him.

Love to all my brothers and sisters.

Oluwaseun James

Email: Godson1987@hotmail.com

Tel: +447872 956 011

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