My name is Kevin. I’m now 60 years old.
I grew up in rural Virginia and this is home for me. I grew up on a small farm with parents who really tried to love me the best way they could, but it wasn’t in their making to do that. I got by in school and graduated. My siblings, older than me, grew up, left home, and went their ways. We are fairly close now.
Religion wasn’t part of my upbringing. I thought there was a God out there and Jesus died and if we believed in that, I figured there must not be anything wrong in that. It seemed that was normal because everyone else I heard said it was so. I hit a few churches and found it all ever so boring. I considered myself Baptist because the churches I rarely went to, were those.
I was introduced to the Mormon Church in 1989 by Lupe, now my husband. It seemed family-oriented and the people were nice. I did the Temple thing in 1990 in Washington DC and went there to do temple work too, quite frequently. I had a calling in the ward, supposedly to teach a bunch of ungrateful little devils who were 12 or so years old. They were difficult and it was not working out. Then I was called to help in church membership. Because I was living in a same-sex relationship, there was lots of gossip and the feeling was that there was no tolerance. I went inactive in 1993. There was too much pressure from the members to marry a young lady and that was it.
My partner today, the same man of 36 years, introduced me several years ago to the MWAW. He was bothered that within that church, we were committing the worst act, worse than murder. He found Christopher and that’s where I first learned about this pretty amazing work. I’m a scatterbrained individual who desires to want to improve my life and learn these principles. What I’ve learned is making so much sense instead of the mysterious things hidden in religions.
Christopher clears up the bullshit and presents things so off the wall that it makes so much sense to me! I’ve laughed at his amazing jokes and how he can keep me listening to all these amazing things. I never was one to pray; it seemed silly and just seemed like no one but me was hearing it. So here I am today, not well educated and I will keep pushing forward and be thankful that Lupe introduced me to the Marvelous Work and a Wonder.
It wasn’t easy to get me to listen at first, but when I did, it caught my attention and I wanted to hear more. The books are here for me to read. I’m pretty ignorant, but I will read them and learn much I’m sure. I’m a mailman and I take care of 757 customers and have for 24 seasons. I’m a dedicated person to them, and cannot wait until I retire. I will learn these principles before then. I just need to focus more on learning, because I must be strong for what’s coming in the future.
Kevin Jarvis
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