Jeff Wangsgard

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Ok folks…This is my third or sixth rewrite of a story that means a lot (to me anyway).  …. I have been aware and around this Work for a long time now. It was in 2014 that I found it whilst I was sitting at a truck stop, in California I believe.   I was looking around YouTube and kept seeing this “older” woman pop up on my screen.  I was not looking for the Sealed Portion and neither was I looking for an “Older Woman” …but I found her.   And when I found her, my life changed forever.  Her name was Ida Smith.  The things that she said in that video would lead me to what has changed my heart and mind in the most profound way. She was speaking of the MWAW.    But WTF was she talking about with this “sealed portion” stuff?

I knew about the sealed portion. I was aware that it was “out there,” but I thought the LDS church was using it as a dangling enticement for somebody.   But as I told my sister one day, “The church is messed up. They put all this stuff out there to protect themselves. I am going to find out the truth about it. I am going to get to the bottom of it all.” …. Of course, I was talking about the all the so-called lies about Joseph Smith compared to the truth about Joseph Smith.   I was not a big proponent of him, but neither was I an enemy…I just wanted to know the truth.

Anyways…. that video with Ida Smith giving her testimonial about Christopher and the Sealed Portion had a profound and lasting effect on me. As my wife said to me later… “I have never heard of anyone changing their personality like you have” (among other less flattering observations). …  I have told her several times that I agree with her and that she might not understand unless she watched some of the videos. As of today, she has not viewed anything.

I felt for a long time that I thought that I had stumbled upon something that I was not supposed to see. It was actually a real conflict for me. But I tuned in and listened to our True Messenger week after week as he taught “line upon line, precept on precept.”  I just had the happy feeling that, although it really didn’t apply to me as a worthless humanoid, it did and was the answer to what I had replied to my sister not that long before I had found the work. I have come to the realization afterwards that it really did apply to me and I was a “kind of” a part of this work.

I had the privilege of meeting this “older woman” mentioned above in person a few times before she passed. She was a very delightful person. She had a lot of knowledge about things that I had no connection with. Her testimony stayed strong about the Work until the day she died.

I have met a lot of people who are supporters of this Work. Everyone is on a different level of understanding. I know from personal experience that there are a lot of people who have partaken of the Tree and then then looked around and saw their family and friends wondering what had gone wrong with this person? They could not take the criticism. These have all fallen away, just like Lehi dreamed it. My own family would not give it the time of day. They view me as weak and deceived and “of the devil.” My one and only brother in mortality replied to a comment with his testimony of “the people who ran the church” and how they were in touch with “God.”

Let me tell you right now that I could give a shit less what anyone thinks of me.  I couldn’t care less what anyone who chooses to be “dumber than me” thinks. I try to listen to them, then pat them on the head ….. but no!   It goes with the territory!  In that regard, I am parroting Ida Smith.   She gave up any kind of “eternal family unit” just as I have done. It is a great feeling; and it takes a lot of the burden of “living a lie” out of the equation.

I have also met a few times, in public and semiprivate “to some degree,” with our True Messenger, Christopher.  In my thinking, he is who he says he is. If you are looking for the truth of all things, you need to look no further. The big stipulation is that you need to be willing to forget all you have ever learned from your parents, teachers, church leaders and politicians or business leaders.  Christopher is his own big ass stumbling block for people looking into this Work, and he knows it. But he speaks the Real Truth. I know that I would not have it any other way.

All the information that this Work presents boils down to The Humanity Party and the MWAW. There is no other way for me to look at this life. How can we love ourselves and our neighbors just as much, if we turn our backs on the rest of the world? We are really one big unhappy family. Can we change that? It does not look possible considering the current state of this earth.  But if you have taken the time to read this testimonial, you now know that a plan exists to solve poverty and bring us all closer together.

My mortal name this time is Jeff Wangsgard.

My Contact information is:   801-814-5333

I live at 432 W 100 N in Morgan Utah.

I would welcome the chance to talk to anyone who has a sincere interest in this work.  I am not interested at ALL to speak to anyone who thinks they know more about life and who we are and why we exist, in the big picture, than Christopher.

So save your breath…

Have a nice day!

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