Laudemir Queiroz

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The resurrected Christ visiting America was something totally new to me. That caught my attention.

As a Catholic Christian, the strong desire to know more about it made me read the Book of Mormon. The message was inspiring and that lead me to become a member of the LDS church in 1979.

The LDS history was something that always intrigued me. Everything was presented as too perfect, and questions I had were never answered in a way to give me the sense of peace.

Lots of my personal testimonies as a member of the LDS church were actually repetitions of words that I heard from others, with a strong desire that everything was true, although lots of things didn’t make any sense.

In the year 2017, I discovered The Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon.

That was a turning point and the end of my fellowship as a member of the LDS church.

It makes me feel free and brought me the peace I was looking for, for decades.

After reading the “other books,” it was easy accept that I had been indoctrinated for almost 40 years.

The connection with the Book of Mormon is now aligned with its real purpose: to promote the free will and equality among men. It is a loud cry against pride and secret combinations that lead to destruction of our humanity.


Laudemir da Costa Queiroz


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