My name is Jordan Johnson. I have spent probably thousands of hours and countless sleepless nights over many years trying to write this testimony. When something is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING and the culmination of over a decade of pain and suffering, where the MWAW was the only thing that made me want to even keep existing in this universe, it’s hard not to feel like I have to include every single piece of information about the last 44 years of my life to help show the whole picture. But I can’t do that. So I’ll have to just take this very limited version and build on it someday.
In 2011, a pair of car accidents blindsided me, leaving me in a long, solitary fight to get my health and sanity back. I was juggling grad school, a high-pressure career, and a Mormon upbringing I’d begun to question—though at the time, I never would have guessed just how deeply that faith would unravel. It’s taken years of misadventures, pivotal moves (including one to Spain), and painful personal losses for me to step forward and share this story. I’m still practicing how to say it all, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that I’m done playing along with the version of me that keeps quiet. I owe it to myself—and especially to my 5-year-old daughter—to keep asking questions, inviting sunlight in, and finding new ways to stand up for what I believe, even if I’m still figuring out exactly what that is.
I remember how, years before Christopher ever spelled out his perspective, I’d been grappling with all the doctrinal confusions in the Book of Mormon. Then along he came with what he called “perfect logical prooftexting,” saying the book was more akin to Aesop’s fables—never intended as literal history at all. Hearing that flipped a lot of my long-held notions on their head. It wasn’t that I was totally shocked at the possibility of it being allegorical; but Christopher’s words gave shape to a suspicion I’d had for a while: maybe these stories were just metaphors for the universal human experience, rather than chapters torn straight out of ancient American history.
At the time, I was still coming to terms with my own faith journey—I was literally at the top of a mountain when I first read The Sealed Portion; and I can’t think of a more “Mountain of the Lord” moment in my life. I asked myself, “Does this material conform to the criteria that the Book of Mormon said would someday be brought forth?” And of course it did. Finding Christopher’s words and the Real Truth® gave me a reason to keep existing when all I wanted to do was disappear. To me, it immediately became the single most important work in the universe. I’ve lost family and friends and sometimes my sanity over this, but I’ve never wavered in defending it and learning absolutely everything I could.
What kept me involved after finding The Sealed Portion is that it’s people who are doing what God was supposed to have been doing this whole time. Everyone’s waiting for some all-powerful being to come down and do it. If God were here and working within the framework of this world, the Humanity Party and elimination of poverty would be the #1 goal. The Humanity Party is the only one trying to tackle the Herculean task of solving poverty, and the books and meetings all feed into that end goal without kicking that can down the road like everyone else does.
Jordan Johnson
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